Look At What You've Made Me Do

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As soon as I inform Tina and Laurence of my newfound love for Blaine and my plan to win him over they are instantly excited. Tina has been begging to give me a makeover for years and Laurence's grunge style will definitely come in handy when creating my new look.

The school week passes quickly as Blaine is no where to be seen. This isn't unlike him and his friends. They often skip days off school and show up with various injuries. But since our detention together I found myself missing seeing his beautiful face. The mystery that surrounds Blaine has never intrigued me more.

By the weekend Tina and Laurence are bouncing off the walls with excitement. And honestly, I'm excited too. This change is a long time coming, my wardrobe is completely outdated.

"I'm so friggen excited!" Exclaims Tina whilst skipping and holding hands with Laurence.

"Did I really have to come? Don't get me wrong Cora I'm excited for you to get rid of those clothes but did I really have to come shopping? You know how I feel about the mall Tina." Laurence says flatly.

I should probably by offended by Laurence's comment on my clothes but as I look down I see that he's probably right. I look tragic. After my mum died there was no one to help me pick out clothes or teach me how to shop.

"Shut up Laurence, we need your bad*ss vibes to rub off on Cora's style. Plus I need my hourly kiss from my snookins." Tina explains and then proceeds to grab his face and kiss him passionately.

I keep walking attempting to find a store to take shelter in from their public displays of affection. I come across forever 21. Do I dare enter?

I do.

I look around and see nothing but bad*ss b*tch attire. I start to feel slightly overwhelmed but Tina comes to my rescue. She begins to pick up various articles of clothing, throwing them at Laurence to hold and soon he becomes a human coat hanger. She strides around the store with purpose. She has a vision.

"Okay Cora, try on all of theses." Tina hands me the pile of clothing and I begin to try them on.

Wow. So. Much. Skin.

There's various crop tops and tank tops that show off my assets. One particular crop top catches my eye. It's black and has the words "this is a croc top" on the front with an illustration of a pink croc on the breast.

This crop top, or should I say croc top is SO me. It combines my new style with my old style perfectly.

I come out of the change room and show Laurence and Tina.

"Damn girl you're slaying me so hard right now!" Tina exclaims, boosting my confidence.

"You really think?" I ask timidly.

"Oh I know, once Blaine sees you he's not going to keep his eyes... or hands off you." Tina further encourages.

We both laugh and I try on all the other clothes and show Tina. She decides which ones to keep and soon I find myself at the cash register with a new wardrobe . I pull out to pay but Tina stops me.

"This is more for me than it is for you. I've been waiting for 3 years to do this Cora. Let me pay! Besides it's not even my money."

I should probably mention now that Tina's parents are rich. Really rich. That's why Tina can afford to have such good style.

"Tina that is way too much. I can't let you do that and you know it." I argue.

"No Cora. I'm doing this for you." She finally states before grabbing her credit card and paying.

I thank her all of the way out of the store and as we wonder around the mall she eventually tells me to shut up.

As we stroll around, a croc store emerges around a corner.

Oh no.

This is my weakness.

"Cora no more crocs. We have talked about this. Bad b*tches don't wear crocs." Tina says sensing my longing for the soft, supportive rubber shoes.

"You're right Tina. I know you are. But they're just so darn comfy." I say beginning to get upset.

"I know Cora, I know." Tina comforts with a pat on the back.

"Wait. I have an idea." Laurence says with a smile. He walks into the croc store and we follow. He goes up to the store assistant and whispers something in her ear and she goes into the storeroom.

"Just wait 5 mins." Laurence instructs.

5 mins later the store assistant emerges from the storeroom with a croc box.

She places the box down and I eagerly open it.

What faces me is the most amazing pair of shoes I've ever seen.

A sleek pair of black healed crocs.

I begin to squeal with excitement. And hug Laurence.

"They're so bad*ss oh my god!" I exclaim before slipping my feet into them.

And it's like Cinderella.

They fit like they're made for me. The added healed feels foreign by the all too familiar holes at the tip of the croc allow not only my feet to breathe, but also my nerves.

"I'm not paying for those sorry Cora." Tina stays, clearly not impressed by my healed crocs.

Whatever. Haters gonna hate.


Author's note

Remember to vote and don't worry some Cora and Blaine action is in the next chapter.

Stay fierce my queens


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