Chapter 6

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Reagan's POV:

I heard a knock at the door so I got up off of Luke's bed to see who it was. I opened the door and saw a girl there. It surprisingly wasn't Bree though. I wonder who she is. "Who are you?" I asked. "Isn't this Luke and Michael's room?" she asked confused. "Yeah." I told her. "Oh okay good. Is Michael here?" she asked. "Sorry just me an Luke. Wait are you Cassie?" I asked. "Yeah are you Reagan?" I nodded in response. "Hold on I'll get Luke so he can call Michael." I told her as she walked in. "Luke!" I hollered. "What's up babe?" he asked. Then he saw Cassie.

"Who are you?" he asked. "I'm Cassie, Carter's girlfriend?" she reminded him. "Oh that's right. He told me about you earlier when we talked on the phone." Luke remembered. "Oh, well he said I should come here to meet Reagan and to tell you that once you're done getting ready you should meet him at his truck in the parking lot." she explained.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you baby, we are swapping with eah other." Luke laughed. "So you and Carter are gonna spend the day together?" I asked. "Yeah. I'm sorry darlin I forgot to tell you." Luke kissed my cheek. "Y'all just have fun and we will both be back later." he smiled, winked at me and gave me a quick kiss as he left us alone at their dorm. "Ugh what are we gonna do with them?" she laughed. "They're just two of a kind." I laughed. "They're just special in their own kind of way haha." she replied. "Yeah." I answered. "So what do you wanna do today?" she asked me. "I was gonna go get my nails done. Wanna get yours done too?" I suggested. "Of course. I've been thinking about getting my done lately but haven't had time until now." she explained.

Cassie and I got dressed then left for the local nail salon. We got them done at the same and sat next to each other too. I got my mine done lime green and Cassie got hers purple. "Alright girls you're finished." the woman smiled. "Thanks." we both said and smiled. We left and I texted Luke.

R-hey baby how's your day?

L-me and Carter are going hunting for a little bit. I'll text you later.

R-I'll tell cassie. Have fun baby love you!

L-love you too!

Cassie and I were both getting hungry so we decided to go get lunch while we still had the time. "So Reagan you and Luke seem pretty close." Cassie said. "Yeah eer since I saw him." I smiled, "What about you and Carter?" " We just started dating about a week ago but I mean he's a lot sweeter than my ex. He was an asshole and, Carter treats me really well. He's really nice and cute." she laughed. "Well that's a lovely romance story. Me and Luke didn't meet until that night when I got here. That was a night I will not forget." I told her. "What do you mean?" "Luke knocked me out, by accident." I laughed. She gasped and started laughing. "He was walking to his dorm and he had too many boxes and couldt see, so he knocked me over, I passed out. I wake up a few hours later in the hospital and see him sitting in a chair next to me almost asleep. That's how we met." I smiled. "That's so cute though." she chuckled. "Well not the part where I get hurt but yeah." I added.

"So you guys have been together since then? Wow he must be doing somethingng right." she smiled. "Well Carter too right. I mean you guys have been together about the same time as Luke and I right?" I replied. "Yeah he's great. I never knew he and Luke were friends until today though. I never met him." "Don't worry I never met before now either." I told her.

Luke's POV:

After we left we went to our dorm and got changed. I suggested my truck so we got the poles and another set of clothes for later then left to go muddin before head to Muckalee Creek to go fishing. We got to the field and got ready. I had my cutoff and old jeans on and so did Carter. I turned the truck on and did donuts with it until I didn't want to anymore. "Dude you ready to go fishin?" I asked him. "Let's make this a competition. Who ever catches the most fish has to go as far as they can with the girl tonight. Deal?" he asked. "Man no way. She already told me te other night she wasn't ready." I explained. "Fine. I'll think of something." he replied as he got on the boat. We went out on the water and then stopped so we could fish.

*an hour later*

"How about this? Who ever catches LESS fish has to run around the girls dorm building building shirtless with whipped cream on them." he laughed. "I can't believe I'm doing this but okay deal." we shook on it and continued fishing.

*another hour later*

"How many you have?" Carter asked. "I got 7." I replied. "Damn." he sighed. "What?" I asked. "I got 7 too." he laughed. "Well either both of us or none of us." I said. We looked at each other. "Neither." we said at the same time. I laughed. "I guess we both got lucky. Anyways you wanna head back?" I asked. "Yeah man let's go." I answered. I started the boat and we got back to land. When we got back, I tied the boat to an old dock, we got in the truck and left, heading back to Georgia Southern.

Please comment guys! I wanna know what you think and message me if there's stuff you want me to add. I'm open to suggestions! Thanks love y'all!

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