Chapter 17

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Luke's POV
It's been about a month since Reagan and I broke up. I know things were hard when it happened, but I felt like it would make us stronger. I guess I was wrong about that though. If she couldn't handle this much I doubt she would be able to handle or deal with me being away when I go on tour. I've been trying to move past this but it's harder than I thought! I mean we weren't together that long but I guess we had a stronger connection than I thought. I'm not gonna lie, I do miss her. Carter has tried to talk to me but I just can't go through that again. It just hurts. Even the mere mention of her name makes me uneasy. To "cope" I've kinda been throwing myself into my music a lot. Carter and I still play gigs almost every night and Cassie has been coming with us to a lot of them. I honestly hate the fact that I'm single but Carter us really happy with her. I have a feeling he's gonna pop the question to her soon and I'm excited. She's really supportive of both of us and has practically become a little sister to me. Today is Saturday. I've been kinda lazy in the mornings now. Then there was a knock on the door. I got off the cou and opened the door to see Cassie there. "Hey I was just thinking about you." I laughed. "Okay..." She chuckled. "Not in that way you dirty girl, you're practically my little sister." I smiled putting my arm around her in a brotherly way. "Thanks big brother. But anyways there's something I need to talk to you about." She looked down. "What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked. "If I tell you, you can't tell Carter about this." She warned. "Spill it now." I ordered. "Luke, I..." Cassie trailed off but I was really curious as to what she was hiding. That's when it hit me. "Cassie." I said and she looked up at me. "Are you, you know, pregnant?" I asked. She paused for a minute before looking down and nodding that I was right. "Luke what do I do? I'm not 100% positive but a girl knows these things. How am I supposed to tell Carter? What if he doesn't want kids or wanted to wait because we aren't married yet?" She cried. I pulled her into me and let her cry on my shoulder for a few minutes. Finally she calmed down and pulled herself away from me. "Luke I can't thank you enough. You've been there for me so much. Will you help me tell Carter?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. "Let's me and you go to a doctor tomorrow just to make sure okay?" I asked. She nodded. "Now that this whole ordeal is over, can I asked you something?" She nodded and smiled. "Sure Luke." "I'm torn between what to do. I'm not sure if I should move on, I still have some feelings for Reagan and it's not like they'll go away over night. Should I move on, or should I try to get her back?" "Luke I can't tell you what to do. Just do what you think is right. Listen to your heart." Cassie answered. "Thanks. Hey did y'all have breakfast yet?" She nodded and proceeded to tell me that Carter made breakfast for them earlier. I told her I was going to get some breakfast at a local diner and headed out saying I'd be back sooner or later.

Reagan's POV
It's been about a month since I broke up with Luke and I honestly regret it I was a total idiot to break up with him because he didn't have a record deal yet. I bet he thinks I'm a selfish bitch now but I was when I did that and I clearly wasn't thinking. I hadn't thought about what he was going through or how hard he was working. He was playing gigs every night and knowing him they probably still do. I really miss him but it's probably too late. He's probably already found another girl a lot prettier and less selfish than me. I sighed. This is all my fault. Maybe I'm better off without him I thought. Oh who I am kidding. I should go back to him. The real question is, will he take me back? If I did go back I'd need to find a job. I've been going to school to become a medical assistant and I'm sure I could find a job at one of the hospitals in the area or even at a doctors office. I'm hoping to do pediatrics because I really love being around kids. I've been trying to keep up in the labs we have but sometimes there are days where I don't even go because I can't get Luke out of my head and I just can't focus. Since I haven't seen Cassie since the breakup I've befriended a new girl in my nursing class named Kaitlyn but I call her Katie so maybe she can help. Hopefully Luke has a gig coming up or something so I can go see him and see if we still have feelings for each other. I really miss Luke, the way he held me when he slept, how he could surprise me even with the littlest things, how he always smelled amazing from his cologne. I need to get him back. I've been talking to Kaitlyn and my parents and I've decided to go back too Nashville. I packed up all my things and took one last look around the house before grabbing my keys and heading towards the front door. When I opened the door Katie was there. "What are you doing here?" I questioned. "I'm coming with you." She told me. "Are you sure about this?" I asked again. "Yeah, I want to." She smiled. I sighed and agreed to let her tag along on our little exploration to Nashville.
*a few hours later*
After a few stops and switching who's driving we finally made it to Nashville at about 3m which sucks because I start work at 7. Oh well, 4 hours will have to be enough, there's always coffee too. I had already started paying rent on an apartment in Nashville that's fully furnished as soon as I opened the door I made my way to the bedroom. I set my alarm for 6:15 so I have enough time to get ready. After that I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.
*12 hours later*
So I've been at work for a whole 8 hours and so far everything is going okay. The people here are really nice and it's not always super crowded like the hospital I was at before this. They even gave Katie a job too which is great! It wasn't hard. That girl uses her looks for everything: free drinks at a bar, concert tickets, etc. it's coming to the end of our shift so we went out to dinner at a local diner and it wasn't crowded which was nice. After that we went to a bad nearby that another girl told us about.

Cassie's POV
It's such a relief to finally tell someone I might be pregnant. I'm not totally sure yet but I just have a feeling. I'm really nervous to tell Carter but if I am pregnant I know for sure he's the father of it. Carter and I had some fun a week or two ago but we used protection, however when I looked at them, one had a tear and that's when I started thinking about all this. It's taken everything I have not to tell Carter already.

Luke's POV
Right now Carter and I are at the venue. It's a little bit bigger than we are used to but Kerri, my manager thinks it's a good way to expose us to bigger crowds and help me get noticed more. Honestly I'm a little nervous lately I've only been playing bars but hopefully everything goes according to plan tonight. I'm praying nothing goes wrong and that I don't fall off stage because I almost did that last week and Kerri got really pissed at me. While the crew was setting up for the show I decided to walk around for a little bit. I sat at the bar looking over a few things and saw these two girls walk in. One of them had straight long blonde hair and the other had wavy dark hair. Both of them were real cute look girls and they had what looked like hospital scrubs on. Probably coming to the bar after work for a drink or two. When they turned around my jaw dropped. I knew I'd seen that blonde hair before. That beautiful girl was my now ex, Reagan. I can't believe she's back. We stopped talking for the most part after we broke up. I don't even remember how longs it been since I last saw her. As Carter and I got ready to go onstage I tried to push all the old memories out of my brain but I couldn't. Ugh oh well I guess I just have to deal with it tonight. I grabbed my acoustic guitar and went up on stage. "How y'all doin tonight?" I asked into the mix. And that's when our eyes locked again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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