I can do it.

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Team flare (the people wearing orange and who all have orange hair) had made a wall to stop her. How was she going to get out of this? If she called her Pokémon to fight, she would lose. She only had three Pokémon, while these people had so many, she couldn't defeat them, no matter how hard she tried. She had an idea, she thought it through, and decided it was a good idea.

"Sylveon, come on out." She said, throwing the pokeball out into the open in front of her, a light flashed for a moment before sylveon appeared. She gently set Braixen on the floor, and got a braixen's empty ball in her hand.

"Braixen? Return." She ordered gently. A red beam shot out of the ball and sucked Braixen in.

"Aw, isn't it cute? The foolish girl thinks she can defeat all of us with that petty little Pokémon. Just adorable." One of the men cooed.

"I never said I could defeat you." Serena replied calmly.

"Huh, what the hell, girl? You can't escape us, what do you plan to do?' Serena didn't reply to the woman who asked her that. That was stupid question, did they really expect her to tell her escape plan to them? She wasn't that foolish.
"Sylveon, use your feelers." Sylveon looked at me confused as well as team flare. Whoops, I can't expect for Sylveon to know my plan, either. "Sylveon, use feeler to heave me over the team flare and then return to your pokéball." Serena explained.
While, Sylveon understood and was ready to go, team flare understood too. Sylveon grabbed serena by the waist and lifted her above and behind the The 'wall' team flare had created, soon Serena had landed behind them, she held out her pokéball for Sylveon to return to. As soon as Sylveon returned, Serena broke off into a run, bringing the dazed team flare back to reality and causing them to chase her.

I can do it, I can do it, I can do it, Serena repeated in her head, as she ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Soon she entered lumiose city and she saw the centre wasn't too far, now. But it seemed too far with team flare chasing after her. Some of the people had abandoned chasing her to fight the Pokémon masters who had joined the fight, while some continued to chase Serena.

I can DO IT. Serena kept repeating that until she finally, after eternity, reached the centre.
She crashed through the door, surprising many, many people who were sitting there watching the live battle which was being recorded by team rocket on the big flat screen.

She ignored their gasps as they saw the sweaty, tired and bloody state she was in, they should've expected it, after all they had watched on the live tv that she had jumped from quite a height. Serena didn't  know if she could ever look or climb heights the same way again. She also ignored the ache in her hip and back, or her cramped, hurting legs, she controlled the temptation to fall unconscious and to stop.
"Nurse joy!' She yelled. Nurse joy, watching her in the middle of the crowd, along with Shaun, trevor and tierno stepped forward, startled when Serena called her name. "Y-yes?' She stuttered.
Serena ignored nurse joy's astonishment and held out Braixen. While, Serena didn't want to, she couldn't carry Braixen, and so had to drag her, as gently and carefully as she could.

"Braixen's hurt. Can you help her?' She asked, hoping, almost pleading to nurse joy to save the poor fire Pokémon.
"O-of course, right away." Nurse joy said collecting herself, leading Braixen to a bed, then taking the bed inside.
"SERENA!' Serena realised it was shauna who had called her. She saw that shauna wasn't alone, oh no, she had a whole bunch of people with her. Tierno, Trevor, korrina and many people she and her friends had met along their journey.
"Shauna! Trevor, tierno and korrina, too!'

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