Mortal legendaries

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While I do not own the Pokémon characters, there will be lots below that are my OC's. There will be Pokémon and human OC's. Enjoy!

"Bring the mortal legendaries," Arceus commanded.
"Yes, my lord. Right away." Latias nodded.
On land, Latios and all humans thought that latias was dead, however latias and other lengendary Pokémon were immortal, so he could not have died. But Arceus didn't feel the need to prove the immortal-ness of the legendaries, so Latias decided to help him watch over the lands below.
"There's a mysterious force I have just discovered. It was not created by me!'
"But-but that's impossible! You are the creator of all, Pokémon and humans alike. You created the whole world!'
"Yes, but this world. I theorise this creature is not from this world."
"Is that possible?'
"I believe so, Latias."
"Then we are in grave danger! Is that why the legendary Pokémon were summoned?'
"Yes, we need the strongest legendary Pokémon, and the mortal legendaries."
"What are the mortal legendaries?'
"You mean who are the mortal legendaries. They are humans I have chosen, whom I believe worthy."
"And who are those humans?'
"You shall find out very soon, Latias."
Suddenly, Hoopa, Gordogin, Zerda and Beloro appeared.
Zerda, a water type that was currently floating as it was in heaven, looked like a mixture of an eel and a shark. She had a slippery, slim body with dangerous looking red eyes. Her sharp, white teeth glowed in the light. She could use the attacks; mist bubbles, water whip and storm. She had a special surprise attack only to be used in water, her vanish attack. It allowed her to disappear in a type of liquid. She could also smell a human or their critter in any types of liquid. She was a friendly, yet dangerous-when-she-needed-to-be Pokemon.
Gordogin's, a fire type, attacks consisted of; flame thrower, heat vortex, ember and wind punch
He had a dark pink stomach, a red body with peach-coloured narrow slits, definitely very snakelike, for eyes. He was as giant as Charizard, but stronger. Much stronger. He was determined and powerful, but respected Zerda and other fellow legendary Pokémon, especially Arceus, and he knew when to admit he was defeated.
Beloro, the ground type, held the powerful attacks; stone punch, leaf tornado, swift and rock formation.
Beloro resembled a chespin, only that his back was spiked in a straight line going down, like a hairstyle.
He was black and brown, with black spikes covering its wrists and centre of its back, and rest of the body dark brown. He had normal, brown, human-like eyes. He was a gentle, caring being who could also heal by using his knowledge of different healing berries and other plants to make medicine and heal. He left his medicine in a cave and always stayed near it to make sure his medicines weren't stolen and so that he could reach them quicker in case of an emergency.

Latias had also decided to help, as he was an air type. Hoopa, who wasn't any of these types, was called to help transport them anywhere they needed to go, help them fight, and bring in any necessary needs they required, including Beloro's medicines, which were still at the cave.

"Ah, you have made it unharmed, Yes?' Arceus inquired.

"Yes, my lord." Replied Zerda.

"What is so important that you felt the need to call us?' Asked Hoopa.

"Something very strong and dark is out there. You shall gather mortal legendaries and face it."

"Yes, creator of the world." Zerda nodded gracefully.
They all piled into one of Hoopa's hoops and landed near coumarine city, where Serena's first, and now fourth, as she had lost to Aria in the master class, had been held. However, the Pokémon were not aware of the group and the group was not aware of the Pokémon.


I sincerely apologise for the late update and the short chapter, however this wasn't originally meant to be the whole chapter, merely the flashback of the conversation between the Pokémon and the strongest legendary Pokémon, but later on I decided to make it a whole chapter since I wanted to keep the suspense, otherwise the group was supposed to meet the Pokémon in this very chapter, and that wouldn't create much suspense. Also, yes, I own Beloro, Gordogin and Zerda, I decided I wanted to add in my own little touch, and surely there are legendary Pokémon that ash hasn't met just yet, right? There will be more OC's you will be introduced to, this isn't the last of them. ;)

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