Chapter 1

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*For Addy =).  This story is a little odd - every chapter is 200 words and was inspired by the manga "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya."  Thanks for reading!


Space, Space, want to go to space!  Why hasn’t NASA emailed me back yet?  I don’t think it’s such a huge request – send a high school student into space.  Why not?  I like space, astronauts like space, and we could both love space together.  Alas dear diary, I’m not going to space today.  I’ll keep you informed tomorrow.

            “BORING!  Bored, bored, bored.  Why do they make school so boring!  I need to spice things up around here.”  Adrianna Catron is a typical high school junior.  She likes boys with good hair, chocolate, any vampires, and space?  “Yes, I’ve got it.  We need a space club.”

One hour later…in the principal’s office of all places…

            “Mr. Lintz, I’m sure that you’re aware of our lack of student clubs within the school.  Sports are overrated.  Band and choir are for those who wish they were in sports.  Art and drama are great, but great talent such as mine is hard to beat.  What I think we need is a space club,” Adrianna stated, as she pointed to her homemade charts on the wall.  Her laser pointer drew a line from the typical high school clubs to one that was outlined with

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