Dear Aunt Lia,

I could imagine you yelling at me when I said I'd run away.
But that's what the truth is.

It was almost a month since I moved with unnie.
I still don't wanna be here. Mainly because I feel like i abandoned you. Since I've been abandoned by my own mom and sister, I know how it feels and I don't want you to feel that. At least not again. I promised myself to never leave you but well things don't always go like you think they would.

How are you? Are you taking your medicine? 

but wait, you don't need them anymore.

I always forget.

Anyway, something new happened here.

I was working on my music when unnie came to the door and told me that Taehyung was here.
Do you remember him? Of course you do. No one could ever forget a sweetheart like him. You always told me to call him oppa but that never worked with us even though he's five years older than me.

I was really happy.
I ran downstairs and hugged Taehyung. He gave me a bag of the stuff that he brings me every time. I peeked in and there they were, an album and a mixtape.  I smiled at Taehyung. It has been a tradition. Taehyung collects pictures whenever he is on tour. He put them in an album and a mixtape with his recent playlist. Because everyone knew that Taehyung's photography and taste in music is the best. So he gets me the album and mixtape. In return I give him a couple of remixes and demos that I work on. We trust each other's music. A lot. It is our thing.

That's when I noticed the second person standing there.

Min yoongi.

Unnie told me that Yoongi would be staying with us till he and Taehyung are in Daegu.

Now you know that I'm not good with socialising. Even though I know Taehyung, I haven't met the other members ever.

Yoongi didn't seem too keen on talking to me too. He seemed like he just needed a bed so he could sleep.

I took my stuff and headed upstairs. I was excited.


A few days with Yoongi were fine. He just minded his own business and didn't bother me at all.

Until tonight. We actually had an interaction. Unnie was out with Taehyung and the rest of  her friends. I was working on the remixes to give to Taehyung when Yoongi knocked on my door.
"C'mon downstairs. I'm preparing dinner" he said.
"Leave me alone. I don't want anything" I replied.
"Don't be a brat, just come downstairs."

You know me Aunt Lia. I didn't go.

"Hee Young, cmon down, right now" he said.

I wanted to be left unbothered. Is that too hard for people to do?

"C'mon down Damn it!" He yelled.

Shut up!" I yelled back.

That's when he entered the room with some instant ramen.
"If you would just eat something, I could tell Hwa Young that I completed that one job she gave me" he stated.

"You don't have to worry about me. Neither does she" I snapped.

"Brat" he mumbled as he exited my room.

I hated him at that moment.  I really did.

He knows nothing about me but yet he decides to pass a judgement.

If he would just mind his own damn business then everything would be fine. He doesn't have to yell at me or call me a brat.

I don't like him.

Hee Young

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