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Camila and Maxi Fanfic-

I'm not that girl.

Chapter 1 Alone

Why does he do this to me? Broduey. He's changed. He's different. He's not the guy I fell for.

"Leave me alone Broudey." I say to him agitated. He's getting on my nerves. I broke up with him for a reason.

He does the exact opposite of what I always ask him. He starts coming closer to me, from behind and pushing himself towards me and tries to kiss my neck. I turn around and slap him across the face in serious anger. "Stop." I can feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"You don't want to do this Cami baby?" He says in a seductive tone that makes me feel physically sick.

"Broudey I swear to God-" I try to say before I'm cut off by his lips crushing against mine in a forceful way that I feel has no escape.

I try to push away but it's no use, he's so strong and especially when he sticks his tounge in my mouth I'm forced to give in and kiss him back even though it's the last thing I want.

He finally pulls away after a length of time that felt way longer than it was. And he walks away with a smug on his face.

I'm left all alone in the recording booth of the studio. All I want to do is curl up into a ball and cry, scream for help. But I can't. I won't. So I put on a brave face and walk out of the recording booth.

"Cami! There you are!" A familiar voice says.

Maxi. My best friend.

"Hey!" I reply with a smile. A genuine one.

"I've been looking for you," He tells me. This brings even more genuine to the smile currently placed on my face, he was looking for me, me, nobody else. Me.

"You were? Why?" I ask curious to the reason exactly why he wanted me.

"Pablo's latest assignment, I was wondering if you wanted to pair up together?"

Without even having to think I tell him,"I'd love to!"

Just as I'm about to say something else, I'm interrupted by a Spanish accent calling "Maxi! Maxi!'

It's Naty. Maxi's girlfriend. It's so obvious he loves her. And she loves him. And that's the one thing that breaks my heart. The way he takes her hand and walks out with her grinning like a Cheshire Cat as she kisses his cheek.

Why can't that be me? The girl that makes his face brighten up when she's around, the one that makes him nervous when talking to her, the one he tells all his friends about and how he's so proud of her.

But the worst part of it all. I actually like Naty. She's a good friend. I feel sorry for her under Ludmilas strong control. She has a good heart and deserved to be loved. But not by maxi. I feel like Naty could get any guy she wanted, so why does she have to take my maxi? I've been in love with him since I was 14, and I can't imagine loving anyone else as much as I love him. I guess I'm just not the girl for him, even though he's the guy for me. I'm not that girl. Not the girl he loves. I never will be.

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