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I'm not that girl

A Caxi Story

Chapter 6

I find myself by the river after my exit from the studio. I didn't know what else to do so I started running, running away from my problems is what I usually do so I figured I would run from this new problem.

"Camila." I hear a voice behind me say.

I turn around and see Broudey. "Go to hell Broudey."

I knew this wouldn't make him leave but I didn't feel like talking or getting hurt or anything. Instead he comes directly behind me and starts to kiss my neck. I jump up and start hitting him,"Get away from me you creep." I start yelling.

He does nothing but put his hands on me which I try and push off of me.

"You know you love me Camila. so don't do this baby."

I scream again and start hitting him which only results in getting pushed to the ground and kicked continuously. I start to cry because that's all I can do. I'm going to die, Broudey is going to murder me and then pretend I committed suicide. If this is the end, then so be it. I don't want to live like this anymore.


"HEY! STOP IT YOU'RE HURTING HER!" I hear a voice yell.

I squint open my eyes and see a small male figure with a baseball cap on-Maxi!

"M-Maxi!" I manage to squeak out.

"Cami!" He yells back relived to see me alive, then turns around to face Broudey,"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Broudey looks mad,"Stay out of this rapper kid! I do what I want in my relationship!"

Then I see maxi do something I never thought I'd ever see, he punches him right in the face. "HOW DO YOU LIKE ABUSE MAN?" And he throws another punch.

What he doesn't realise is Broudey is really strong and big, much more than maxi. He fights back and the next thing I know they're at each others throats punching and pushing each other. Maxi has blood trickling from the side of his head and from his nose, Broduey however only has marks on his face and arms seeing as he made the more violent moves on maxi.

Something needs to be done, I can't call the police, so I manage to get my phone out of my pocket and call for FaceTime with Fran. She picks up after a minute and when she sees the look of me, my face covered in bruises and lying on the ground with blood everywhere, she starts crying so I just point the camera over at the boys and then whisper 'call for help.'

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