Wow Actual Writing in a Writing App

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"C-chae-Won?" An unsteady voice echoed throughout the peaceful forest.

Today, the sun had managed to fight its way and chase off the densely packed clouds, which was impressive during the rainy days of the monsoon. Bright rays pierced the tree's thick canopies, casting a lime glow on the forest floor. A small boy wandered within the picturesque landscape and abruptly interrupted the blending colors of nature.

He seemed to stop in his tracks, pausing to call out in an unsteady voice, "Chae-Won?"

Ah, Chae-Won found it amusing whenever Seung tried to find her. Sure, she might be acting unfair toward her friend, but his reactions never ceased to make her day. Chae-Won honestly had no clue as to how he had not spotted her yet. The trees' rough trunks weren't thick enough to cover her faded hanbok. The muted blue top had difficulty camouflaging against the earthly tones of the woodland. However, her dirtied brown dress integrated itself easier. The main problem was her stifled laughter.

It was hard for her to complain when her companion searching for her had an even worse time complimenting the scenery. His stark white hanbok was speckled with deep purple flecks. His tensed shoulders and collar seemed to flare up, giving the appearance of petals. Seung resembled a big, walking orchid that could be blown over with the slightest gust of wind.

A few more desperate cries later, Chae-Won decided to take action. She silently rushed over and took long strides as her dark brown braid bounced up and down.

He cupped his worn hands near his mouth, "Chae-"


The poor boy jumped with a shriek as he performed a twist during his fall, desperate to glimpse the attacker. Chae-Won was already looming over him after he had landed with a thump. She grinned at him as mischief danced in her nut-brown eyes. Seung met hers with his wide, black irises that seemed to constantly reflect a faint lilac light. Nearly moments after he recognized her, he swiftly spun his scarred face away.

"Wow, you sure are jumpy today." The girl tilted her head and her tone soon turned into one of thoughtfulness. "Did anything happen?" Most days he would bashfully laugh her measly pranks off.

"A-ah, its n-nothing... I-I just tri-tripped on a tree root..." He began picking on what Chae-Won now noticed as a stained bandage on the bridge of his nose.

"Must've been one nasty fall."

All Seung did was hum in response, averting eye contact all the while.


Chae-Won had always prided herself on her ability to read social cues, but it wouldn't take a genius to tell that something was plaguing Seung. He was stuttering more than usual and continually avoided looking at her. The bags under his eyes indicated he had been fighting sleep as well. However, in her years of knowing him, he had occasionally shown up with minor injuries such as cuts or bruises. Chae-Won attributed that to his clumsy and awkward personality.

She smiled automatically to mask her distress and hopefully make him feel at ease. "So, you asked to meet me here?" A friendly chuckle escaped her lips, "Are you finally coming out of that lil' shell of yours?"

Seung attempted to laugh as a deep magenta blush grew on his pale cheeks, although it sounded more like short wheezes than anything. At least he was trying, right? "D-don't thi-think too highly o-of me. I-I've already disappointed-"

"C'mon, bestie, there's no need for that attitude! You're a great person. Now, how about we go over to the clearing? Would you be cool with that?"

"Oh, ye-yes."

The sociable girl took his marked, trembling hand as she began sauntering toward their destination. She was prepared for his pace to slow down, and every now and then he would stare behind him, but Chae-Won paid no mind. Seung's colorless shoes and the edge of her dress picked up dirt from the damp soil and the forest smelled as if it had rained earlier. The tranquil atmosphere sent her mind into a daydream until the two arrived in familiar surroundings.

"Oh! We're here!" Chae-Won's leisurely gait quickened as she raced over to the middle of the clearing with Seung in tow. She flopped onto the dewy grass and patiently waited for Seung to orient himself beside her. A calm yet tense silence fell between them as they watched the scarce number of clouds leisurely pass by.

bAp stuff happens the end uh Seung sucks and CHae-Won is dead hooray! Whats in the bag? Why's Seung so off today? WHO KNows ((I do)) I have nO idea on how to finish thiss HAHA,,

I really can't write enough to finish this short story. I'm not used to this form of art so I have writer's block already :'D

um but yeah guys do you like it? Don't worry I have a chapter of art to quickly cover up this mess I'm sorrryyy,, give me constructive feedback my doods

Date: 2/22/18

((oh wait speaking of good writers go support @JunIsNotHomeYet because she's so much better at writingng than meee aND I KNOW YOU WONT ADMIT YOU NUGGET BUT YOU ARE,, DONT SAY OTHERWISE))

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