They're All Crazies!!!

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I wake to the school bell, dismissing me from Mrs. Robertson's lesson on arithmetic sequence.
Ugh. I got slobber on my homework, not only that my best friend , Allen Hathaway,saw it and bursted out laughing.
"Come on Max, can't you stay awake for even one class?"
"Hey, I'm making all A's so apparently sleeping is quite productive."
"Sure, whatever you say, but if Mr. Stevens catches you sleeping in class today you'll get in trouble. He won't keep taking 'your parents are sick' as an excuse any more."
"Maybe my excuse 'my best friend was murdered' would suffice," I mumble incoherently under my breath.
"What's that?"
"Oh nothing just agreeing with you," I say sarcastically with a huge grin.
"Uh huh, well we better get to 7th before the bell rings."
As we speed walk I can't prepare myself for what's about to come.

As Mr. Stevens goes on and on about the countries in Asia, the tv turns on.

"I'm Samantha Perkins live at the children's hospital where an outbreak of the nodding disease, popularly spotted in Uganda had been released earlier this week infecting 2/3 of the patients. A little after being discovered, one of the patients began a riot and kids started attacking staff. They're all out on the loose and state officials are calling a state wi- wow wait this just in, reports are saying this is an epidemic starting all over the U.S."
Gasps and crying broke out among the students when a police officer popped up on the screen.
" We would like everyone to evacuate their facilities in a calmly manner and head home. The infected are very violent and will attack you. Some signs to help warn you are their white eyes, if you come into contact with their saliva rush to the nearest hospital within 24hrs of contact."

After those words the fire alarm went off. Everyone walked out in a single file line, me right behind Allen freaking just a little, while he seems totally calm and collected. Typical Allen.
"Everyone on to a bus, they will take you to your homes."

authors note:
Nodding disease isn't really contagious and a few facts aren't true, but it's just for the story.
I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, I'm uploading off my phone so they are short but I will try to post more than one chapter every Monday.
Love, van(:

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