Cars Are Crazies

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We didn't have any problems untill we hit Phoenix, Arizona. For a huge city it was deserted, with the exception of crazies roaming the streets.

Allen was shaking,which was unusual for him. I found myself wanting to be his knight in shining armor. It's pretty odd for a girl to feel that way, but the world is being destroyed the usual rules do not apply here.

I hastily made my decision, I put my hand on top of his, feeling warmth instantly spread. He jumped a little as if just realizing I was there. He turned and gave me one of his lopsided grins, making my stomach flutter. I return a smile, one I hoped was half decent.

"How you holding up?"

He made a small giggle.

"Wow, you're the one who has gone through more than me ,yet you ask me how I'm holding up?"

"Hey I can take it, you on the other hand are a marshmallow."

That's not true and you know it.

A little voice in my head told me. Wow does that sound crazy or what?

His giggling seized and was replaced with a glare.

"I am not"

"Okay cupcake, whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Thanks, I didn't think anything could really freak me, but this? it's too unreal."

I just responded with a cheesy smile.

Allen just needs a sense of normalcy right now to make it through.

All in an instant the car started tumbling down the street. Glass shattered and flew everywhere.

The only thing I could wrap my head around was the pain. The car had settled but the pain in my already damaged leg was on going. I felt numb everywhere else as if that one spot gained all the attention from my nerves. I inhaled really deep and exhaled hoping to gain some calmness.

"Allen?" I rasped through my now dry mouth.

"Suzanne? Jared? Are you guys okay?"

I got no response the silence was deafening. Trying to get a view of everyone I slowly lifted my bruised neck. My vision was blurry but soon turned clear, making me wish I was blind for two seconds.

Suzanne's head was thrown through the glass and Jared was in a position I don't think anyone could imitate.

I hesitantly looked to my left to see Allen bleeding from his head.

Crazies were slowly advancing towards us. Without a second thought, I heaved both me and Allen out of the car. His arm was slung over my shoulders and I felt like I might fall before I could rush to the side walk.

I wasn't even sure if Allen was alive but I knew I couldn't risk leaving him there if he was.

After successfully moving from the wreckage I checked his pulse.


Sorry I hadn't gotten to update but here it is!!!! I'm going to write more tomorrow so look forward to an update(;

Love, van

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