Deaths Are Crazies

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I slowly laid my head to his chest.

His heart was beating. PHEW!

I decided to catch my breath and just wait till' he wakes up. 

Looking up I see the crazies nibbling on his parents.  Slowly looking away I realized my knee had not been unwrapped. That was a plus, in the mess of all this.

My eyes lingered back to his parents, they were great people, maybe they had some pretty good karma and they will live their next lives as a snow leopard or something of equal beauty.

It's times like this that I wish this was all a dream. A sadistic crazy dream, but still a dream. One that I could wake up from and have an almost normal life. You know almost cause I did just have a dream where I killed my dad.


I turned to see Allen's frantic eyes searching for some kind of explanation.

"We had a car wreck and I moved us both over here."

"Oh god is that our car?!" He shouts pointing at the mess being surrounded by crazies.

"Yeah, and we might want to get away from here before they finish y- I mean realize we are here." I say diverting my eyes to a rock, that's completely unharmed in this. Oh the luck of an inanimate object.

"My parents,they didn't make it huh?"

"No, but it seemed pretty instant." I lie through me teeth knowing his dad's death was anything but.

He looked shell shocked. I guess I'll give him a little time to think before we head out.

I scan the area, looking for a way out when a I notice a person running in the distance.


Looking closely three crazies are hot in pursuit.

I look towards Allen to see him jump to his feet.

"Come on we have to do something."

I don't need to hear anything else as he and I  run towards her. I see a pole covered in blood ,most likely used by someone else ,and pick it up.

Allen already has a bat in his hand that looks as if it had been used recently too.

Getting a clear view I see a girl around the same age as me. She looks our way noticing our approach.


She calls.

Allen is already in action beating one of the crazies while another is sneaking up behind. I dash to his side and beat the pole in to its head. Eww brain gunk is not pretty.

Allen finished up his crazy with a swing to the skull, making the head fly straight off. Allen looks my way and gulps.


That's when we notice the other crazy on top of mystery chick.

I'm already in pursuit and smash the crazy once in the rib, with a following blow to the head. The crazy fell leaving me looking straight at mystery girl.

Her green eyes showed appreciation as she smiled hesitantly.

"Thank you!"

I help her up and nod in welcome.

"My name is Marisa, I don't know what happened, one second I was asleep the next my mom, step dad, and little sister are chasing after me."

I instantly sympathize knowing that isn't easy. Then I look at the one I just hit realizing it was a girl around the age of eight.

"It's okay, her name was Bailey, she was annoying, but I never wished for this to happen."

"No one wishes for bad, it just happens cause life hates us, it is a bitch you know."

She giggles with tears welling up in her eyes  "yeah I guess it is." 


This all I can say right now. This is dedicated to my Bestfriend crazyxxmarsy (: I'll try and update tomorrow!!!

Love, van<3

They're All Crazies!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang