Dads Are Crazies

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After arriving home I run upstairs to go tell my parents the news, knowing they probably hadn't seen it since they've been so sick lately.

Right when I walk into their bedroom I notice they're missing.

That's strange considering they have been bed ridden for a while.

I'm about to scream their names when I notice blood on the floor near the closet. I slowly creep toward my impending doom, or so it feels like.

"Mom?" "Dad?"

I open their closet door to see dad gnawing on mom's neck.

"Oh my gosh?!"

Dad quickly turns to me with white eyes that I'm pretty sure weren't like that before I left this morning, and a bloody mouth that I know definitely wasn't there this morning.

"Dad? What the hell?!"

He simply made a gagging sound and lunged for me, I easily dodged out the way. I landed near the night stand, unfortunately two inches from where he stands. Well isn't that delightful?

"Dad? Snap out of it, think of what you're doing!"

He ignored me and lunged again. A surge of adrenalin kicked in and I grabbed their lamp off the bed side table, and smashed it into the side of his head, knocking him unconscious and onto the floor.

Oh my gosh! I just hit my dad!! I JUST HIT MY DAD!!!

I slap myself in the face one good time to wake up, but nothing happens. Holy crackers this isn't a dream.

I pull myself together to check on my mom, her throat is gnawed open and their is no pulse.

Well I mean why would there be? Her neck was mauled! By my own father! That's when the puzzle pieces fit, my dad is infected. Before I could dwell on it too much I'm being put in a choke hold.

I quickly elbow him into the ribs and wrap my lower leg around his and push up, throwing him to the ground.

I have to get something to stop him.

Come on think Max, think. A knife! I dash to the kitchen in my rush I fall down the stairs. My life is suddenly turning into a horror movie, and I refuse to be the girl who dies because she doesn't ever get up. She just screams until the killer gets there. Plus I've never been one for screaming so I hoist myself to the wall just as dad is tumbling down the stairs just like I had seconds ago.

I feel and odd pain in my left leg but I'm too scared to look down. I'll look at it later right now I have to get to the kitchen.

I make it to the kitchen before dad, but he isn't long behind and creeps into the door way. I grab the biggest knife I see and Dad lunges at me for the hundredth time it feels like. I hesitantly stab it into his approaching eyeball. With so much force from both sides, it goes through his head.

I slump down to the floor taking a deep breath and assessing everything that just happened. It only lasts a couple of minutes and a pool of tears come before I feel a huge sting in my left leg. Before fully looking down I take deep breaths. Finally loosing all of my adrenalin rush, I don't know if I can take it. My vision still lingers to my le- oh god.

It's worst than I could imagine. My bone is sticking out. Just sitting there like "what up?"

Deciding I might go crazy just sitting here I head to the garage in search of first aid and crutches.

I grab the first aid kit and wipe the blood away determined to fix it as best as I can. I wrap it up pretty tight, feeling grateful for those days mom let me tag around with her at the hospital. I'm no pro but I learned a little something.

A tear slides down my face, I quickly wipe it away. I can't break down again, I need to get out of here and see if Allen and his family are okay.

Walking out I pass by a mirror and can't help but look up at my father's killer. Max you had to do what you had to do, I kept trying to convince myself. I knew the guilt shined through my big green eyes, so I refused to look in them. I fix my brown hair into a braid that goes a little past my breast,that looks a lot like Katniss Everdeen's. I know you're just a character ,but please give me the strength to pull through.

Peeking my head out the door I see a few crazies walking about and lighting cars on fire. Good thing Allen only lives two houses over. I grab my dad's old crutches and slowly make my way over, surprisingly not attracting any unwanted attention.

It's hard getting up Allen's front porch, but I manage. I decide to ring the door bell instead of knocking, it takes a couple of minutes but it soon opens.

Suzanne(Allen's mom) slowly opens the door, she looks up and down with worried eyes. I push a grin to reassure her I'm okay. She soon steps back to let me in with a confused look now, oh boy I know what she is wondering.

I find myself in their basement after hours it seems trying to get down the steps.

I spot Jared (Allen's dad) and Allen sitting on the couch with four bags in the front of them.

Allen looks up with a look of surprise sprawled across his face and questions in his beautiful blue ey- "don't finish that thought you nut, you just killed your dad. Don't get all gooey eyed," I snap at myself.

"Max? Why are you here? Where's Greg and Marsha?"

I dart my eyes to the floor, how do you tell someone you killed your dad cause he used your mom as a chew toy and you were next? Well actually just like that.

"Oh sweetie you did what you had to," Suzanne says with a hand on my back.

Weirdly hearing it from someone else makes me feel a little better.

"Yeah, Maxine, it's okay now. You can head out with us to North Carolina," states Jared.

"Uh sure." Knowing that's the only choice I have seeing as my parents are dead, and they didn't have any family.

"When do we leave?"



Authors note: so the journey is beginning, tell me what you think!!!


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