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A loud BANG rung through the apartment, forcing everyone to turn and look at me.


"Now you really need to leave" Luhan yelled from the window just behind the couch.

"What why?"

"Eh, maybe because there is a killer snake going down the street"

My breath picked up as I ran to the window, pressing my cheek against it.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me"

"Don't tell me you're going to go into it's throat this time are you?" Minseok wondered.

It took me a moment to actually see the creature but I was glad to see that it wasn't as big as Godzilla we had seen earlier.

"Where the hell are all these reptiles coming from!" Kyungsoo screamed as I ran into my bathroom to change into my suit.

"Your mask is out here Baek" Suho called almost as if he knew what I was looking for.

With that in mind I quickly shredded my clothes and pulled on the perfectly fitted suit.

Pulling the door open I came face to face with my mask. Taking it out of Suho's hand I pulled it on over my hair and felt it immediately stick to the neckline of my suit.

"That is amazing" Luhan gasped pulling out his phone. "I'll take a picture of you jumping out the window" he grinned pushing me over to the deadly 7 story high glass that determined if I lived or died everyday.

"Alright, so long as you have your fun right?"

"Right!" He cheered missing the point I was trying to make.

With a roll of my eyes I gave him a wave before jumping out of the window and onto the fire escape. Shooting a web onto the building further down the street I jumped off the metal and flew through the air.

The small holes in my mask allowed me to feel the air press against my skin as I glided towards the snake. When I came closer I realised that the being didn't have any fangs meaning that it was unable to expose it's venom onto the citizens below.

I knew I was going to need Deadpools help on this one however, he had fast healing abilities that usually worked in most cases however he did have a bad couple months when I was still in denial of who I wanted to be: Human or a superhero. His chest had developed a thin layer of scars here and there as well as his back but they were rather faint in comparison to the other types I've seen his body take and repair, never has he allowed me to see them however.

Just as I was about to land on my feet a large load suddenly appeared on my back forcing me to shoot out another web onto the next building over.

"Woah there Spidey it's only me" He chuckled. I was about to turn and look up at him but he forced my head back forward gently. "I've been fighting this thing for 5 blocks and you only show up now!" He hissed.

"I'm sorry I had no idea this was happening until a moment ago" I explained with my head hung low. I gently dropped to a stop with my partner clinging to my back like a koala bear.

"We need to get each other's phone number so that way I can call you to get you to come quicker, this one is much smaller than the other we faced earlier but it's alot stronger"

"Are you just trying to get my phone number so that you can figure out who I am?" I wondered looking up at him with my hands on my hips.

His hesitance gave me my answer. He totally did and he was making it more and more obvious with every passing minute.

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