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"I can't return those feelings for you, because you don't mean them" Baekhyun whispered, tears filling his eyes as he forced his hands away. His heart screaming at his mouth for blurring such wrong words

Chanyeol went to grab them again when Luhan walked in looking for a drink.

"Did I interrupt something?" He asked with a tilted head.

Baekhyun wiped a stray tear as he smiled back at his best friend. "No Lu, we were just talking about the difference between reflex and emotional tears"

Luhan felt his back shiver "Ew Biology I hate it" he gagged, sticking his tongue out in distaste.

Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol through his eyelashes. "Its not that bad" he said aiming his statement to the both of them, Chanyeol getting the hidden message while Luhan just groaned.

"You do love Biology" he admitted it a nod.

He drew a sigh from his lips as he sat down on the seat at the cafteria. Monday morning, his favourite day of the week. It meant that he would have to face Chanyeol later on for his superhero work out days. But he didn't feel up to it, not after what happened at the beginning of the weekend.

He had been overjoyed when the jocks had claimed that they needed to leave early due to their coach Neeson them at practise on Saturday morning. Baekhyun was just happy to see Chanyeol leave. He hasn't stopped to notice that the boy seemed fine after he had basically just declined his totally false feelings for him.

Baekhyun does in fact have feelings for the taller. Heck he started fallening when he figured out Chanyeol was his teammate, the two of them solving crime together, in spandex suits.

He could just give up and tell the giant that he was the one that he was looking for but he knew that wouldn't solve anything. The fact that Chanyeol had now admitted that he had feeling for him as Byun Baekhyun had make it obvious enough to Baekhyun that it would have been the perfect time to confess. But he didnt. Because he was scared.

"Hey Baekhyun you okay?" Kyungsoo questioned, finally taking a seat at the table, for the past three days he had been asking the boy that question, over and over again that he eventually stopped asking. Right now, wasn't one of those times. His best friend was looking like he had crawled out from the depths of hell and he couldn't allow that. After all he wa s the son of Satan not Baekhyun.

"Byun Baekhyun you are going to sit there and explain to me why the hell you look so upset!" He screamed.

Baekhyun turned to look at him with a shocked expression. His eyes darting around the room, noticing the amount of people he had drawn attention from. His eyes ghosting over to the jock table where one pair of eyes hadn't looked over, instead they lay rested down at the plate on his lunch tray.

"Oh..." he breathed, seeming to get a slight understanding to the situation. Taking a seat once again Kyungsoo reached across the table and tangled his fingers with his best friends. "What happened between you two?"

"He confessed he had feelings for me and I turned him down, I should have just told him I was the one he's looking for but I can't, Kyung it's bad enough you guys already know. You guys are in so much more danger than you think you are and Chanyeol has a very explosive side to him. If I told him and the bad guys found out that we know each other iditenies they wont stop they break us off or turn on each other"

"Baekhyun no offense but that's a dumb reason, Chanyeol showed you who he was and it's began of his explosive side that he would be able to protect you"

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