Lighting's Big D

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Lighting McQueen POV

Today is my birthday and I hate it. I have two friends and they are literally the worst, no matter what I say they won't let me get out of my "celebration"

"Where are we going" I whine

"You'll see..." He says for the twentieth time.

I sigh, it's not like I have much better to do. Ever since that night I meet with guy, I've been depressed more then ever. I cant stop thinking about those frosted tips, even just saying his name runs shivers down my spine. I guess he doesn't live around here, that or he's been avoiding me. He hasn't come by the shop once in two weeks. I have a feeling that I won't be seeing him ever again, and it pains me to think about that. He poured his heart out to me that night and now he's just gone.

I debate telling my friends about guy mostly because Mater would be disappointed that I just let a guy in the store after business hours.

"Where are we going" I whine again.

They don't even answer me this time. I just want to sleep, I never wanted to do anything for my birthday, but here I am in the back of a Jeep being taken to some mystery destination.

The car stops.

"We're here!" Mater practically screams at me.

They grab a hold of both my tires (Because lighting is a car, and doesn't have hands) and lead me out of the car.

"Can I finally take this stupid blindfold off?" I question, reaching to take it off.

I pull the mask off my head and see the name of the building, "Dinners, Drive Ins, and Dives"

"We're going clubbing!" Mater cheers

"Oh hell no" I protest. "I am not going in there"

"But you're 21 today, don't you want to enjoy it?"

"I want to sleep"

"Come on we drove all the way out here, might as well"

"You forced me!" I yell throwing my hands up in exaggeration.

"Forced is a strong word, more like took you against your will"

"Well I'm not going"

"Yes you are. You're 21 today, have fun." He says as he grabs my arm and drags me inside.

Mater is twice my size and could pick up a truck if he wanted to, so I don't fight back. We walk inside. Loud music, sweaty people, and bright colors full the room. While I'm busy looking around Mater disappears, probably going to get a drink. I fell so lost and the amount of people is suffocating. I don't know why people like going to places like these. I follow the crowds of people going to the dance floor. As I get close I catch a glimpse of some platinum blonde hair, and I notice one of those tacky shirts with flames on them. Reminds me of guy. God I need to get him out of my head. But then as I shove my way closer to the middle I see him...

Cars and Frosted Tips: Lighting McQueen x Guy FieriWhere stories live. Discover now