Dancing Queen

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Lighting McQueen POV

I follow the crowd of people, then I see him...

It's Guy!?!?

Did my friends bring him, I think, but they have no idea, I never told them anything about Guy.

"Guy!" I call out. No response, he doesn't even look my direction, it's crazy loud here though so I'm guessing he just doesn't hear me. "GUY!!!" I shout again, as loud as I can scream.

Then he turns and looks me straight in the eye. He looks confused. I shove my way over to him. As I make my way over there he turns to tell his friends something, then starts towards me.

"Guy it's me, Lighting! Remember! Lighting McQueen" I basically yell at him over the pulsing music.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" He asks me.

What? I think, Is this the right Guy? Of course it is, I recognize those killer frosted tips anywhere. Did he really forget me that easily?

"Don't joke around with me Guy, it's Lighting. Remember, we meet at the coffee shop."

"I think you have the wrong person, I'm not from around here."

"Really Guy, if it's not you how do I know that your mother killed herself?"

"How do you know that? Are you stalking me"

"No guy, you told me about that!" I'm basically crying now.

"I'm sorry dude, I've never meet you before. I've gotta get back to my friends, I hope you find you're friend though."

I grab his wrist, "I'm being serious Guy!"

"And I'm not joking, I have no idea who you are." He says as he frees his wrist.

I let him go, if I annoyed Guy so much that he had to pretend not to know me, to get rid of me, I guess he really didn't like me.

I try to choke back the tears, but it doesn't work, tears are falling down my face and I don't know where to go. I start shoving through groups of people, trying to make it outside. I see the street lights and eventually made it outside. I thought fresh air would help, but I just lost it. I'm sitting on the curb out front just balling, people are staring but I don't care.

Wow, he must really hate me. I think.

I pull out my phone and frantically dial Maters number.

"Hello?" Mater says, thank god he answered.

"I'm outside we gotta go." I cry into the phone.

"Are you crying?"

"I don't want to talk about, can we just leave."

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute."

I'm starting to calm down now, until Mater runs outside and pulls me into a big hug, then I lose it. I start rambling.

"It's okay, it's okay" He repeats.

Once I calm down a little bit, he helps me into the car. We decide it's best to drive straight home. On the way I tell them everything, about Guy that night at the coffee shop, and tonight. At this point I just want to lay in my bed and die there...

Mater's POV

         God Lighting's an idiot. Who just sleeps with a random guy that you just met. He met him literally 20 minutes before that, what was he thinking.

"Of course he pretended not to know you!" I yell at him, "that was an idiotic decision! He probably realized how stupid it was to sleep with a stranger!"

God I'm mad, but he seems really hurt so I take a deep breath and calm down.

"It's okay" I tell him.

"What?" He looks up from his crying.

"It's alright, I'm not mad"


"Yeah, it's okay."

"Thanks for understanding."

The rest of the ride is silent, but it's relaxing. I drive him home, and I wish him the best.

"Hey," I yell as he gets out of the car.


"Please don't ever do that again"


Cars and Frosted Tips: Lighting McQueen x Guy FieriWhere stories live. Discover now