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"I want the report on my desk by evening. And, no excuse this time." The frustration was evident in her strained voice. It was tiring to handle such a huge division. Being a Senior Corporate Executive could surely bring you some big bucks, but it was nothing in comparison to the torture your body went through. Sparing a last glance at the panorama of the Queen's necklace, this dream city Mumbai offered, she returned back to her work desk.

Once seated, she reached for the glass of water, taking a light sip. Her throat felt heavy and coarse. Maybe, it was the weather. It never had that bad of an impact on her before but time changes. She gulped lightly, even her saliva was turning to be a burden, and turned her attention to the computer screen. Her eyes trained on the three days old email addressed from KDA Hospital, Mumbai. Letting her mind take the lead, the cursor clicked it open.

She stared at the email message on her computer, her mind racing so fast that the words blurred together and no longer made any sense. Just three lines, but enough to make her life--the life she'd worked so hard and sacrificed so much to build--begin to crumble around her.

Her heart ached while her eyes watered. Nothing made sense to her. She tried reading the words again, but they appeared to speak an alien tongue. Her breath came out loud and ragged. It was getting difficult to absorb it all in. Gathering her strength, she tried lifting herself, but slipped, landing on the cold tiled floor of the office room. The swivel chair slid away from the force, crashing with a nearby side-table. The flower vase resting on it, came down with a smash, breaking into million pieces spluttering its content on the once dried floor.

But, she remained unfazed. There followed a loud silence with only her drained breath, letting out its protest in denial. The time flew by, her eyes transfixed. Millions of thoughts making its appearance in her life, yet again. Segments of her time running through her mind in bits in pieces. The phone rang suddenly, disrupting her contemplations. Wiping away the tears that had mixed itself with the mascara making uneven lines on her face, she carefully stood up and answered the call.

"Abha, did you reach home, dear?" Her mom's voice made its way out of the phone's speaker.

"Huh... Wh...What?" She mumbled clearing her clouded sense.

"It's really late, beta. Are you back home yet? I told you not to work so late."

"I...I am home, Ma. I wor...worked from home." Her voice trembled, the words not able to form itself around her feelings.

"What happened? Are you alright? Are you hurt? Abha?" Her tensed motherly voice made it even harder to hold onto.

" I'm not Ma. I'm not fine." She sobbed out the words. "I don't know what to do. Everything is just so hard. I can't... I can't."

"Beta, shh... shh, everything will be fine. Don't take it so hard on yourself. You don't have to work so hard anymore. We are in a good place now. You should live your life. Your wedding is in a few months' time. You need to take care of yourself. Schedule a holiday, come and visit us. Mishu really misses you a lot." She nodded her head, registering her mother's words in her mind.

"Yeah, Ma. I will. Tell Mishu I miss her too." She whispered referring to her younger sibling. "And, I love you both. A lot."

"I know, beta. I love you too."

"I got to go, Ma. I will talk to you later. Bye." She placed the phone back on the table. Her hands trembling, she let out a loud sob. Crying for everything all at once. Letting her tears speak what her mouth couldn't. It was so hard to keep it all in.

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