First Sight

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There was something about him, something so exciting, so mesmerizing; I just couldn't get over it. I felt the spark the first time we saw each other. Love at first sight -sounds so fairytale like and even unbelievable. My friends were most sceptical about it.

"Oh my god, Jenny! You can't fall in love with a person just like that. There needs to be more of a connection. You need to know each other to be in love. And out of all those things, scientifically we girls need more time to fall in love than it is for guys..." The fuss had gone on for a long, long time. But, I couldn't get him out of my mind. I had never felt what I felt with him before. It was something so different, so intoxicating. How could I have ignored that feeling?

It wasn't like it was the first time. I had fallen in love earlier too, or so I thought. There were Nabin and Rohan, I was quite serious about them. Weird teenage love! Thought I did get married to them at one point in our few months' relationships. They ended quicker than I expected, though. But this wasn't like that, it wasn't usual. It was like we clicked the moment our eyes met. He had on that blue tee paired with denim jeans. He would keep on brushing his messy hair with his hand. A hard rebel look on his face, so desirable. I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

It was our college farewell party at our friend's farmhouse. Three years of lying about lazily were finally coming to an end. The atmosphere was full of excitement and anticipation. He looked around the room filled with drunk boys and girls in their early 20s and his eyes met mine, which was already fixated on him. Embarrassed, I dropped my gaze, fumbling with the half-empty glass of coke. After a considerable time had passed by, I raised my eyelids to the place where he was supposed to be. But, he was gone. My eager eyes turned frantically, looking for his view to ease her again.

Just then, my phone noticed a notification. Sighing, I took it out. It was a text from an unknown number. Clicking it open, a smile spread across my face.

"Mind meeting me near the bonfire?" The text had read. I knew it was Him. Something just made me believe that it was him. I wanted to do a happy dance but saved it up for later. Placing the glass of coke on a counter nearby, I rushed outside. I knew my face was flushed with excitement, but I might just as well blame it on the winter night. The cold air hit my face as I swung through the back door to reach the bonfire, set in the garden. The fire was already dead and the crowd had shifted to the warmth of the farmhouse. I saw his outline from the only bulb lit near the door. I walked slowly and patiently. I didn't know him, never heard of him, never saw him, until that night. Yet, somehow he felt so mine, so familiar.

He turned around when my footsteps became distinct. His deep eyes stared into mine shamelessly, undressing me of all my covers. My feelings were naked before him.

"Hi, I'm Aiden." He extended his hand for a shake, a smile on his lips.

"...Je-Jenny. Jenny. I-I'm Jenny." I gave him my hand, stammering.

"Nice name."

"So is yours," I answered quickly.

"You seem nervous." He chuckled.

"You texted me. Why?" I questioned him back.

"Yeah! I wanted to get to know you. You just stood out from the crowd. I got your number from Akshita. I hope you don't mind." He answered meekly, brushing his hair back again.

"No. It's fine." I felt at ease. "Never saw you before, Are you from our college? Senior... or maybe junior?"

"Definitely not a junior." He moved to a chair and motioned me to sit, as he occupied a seat next to me. "I'm an Ex-student. Actually, I never really bothered to attend any parties as such. But, Akshita begged me this time. I couldn't disagree and I'm glad that I didn't."

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