Tears In France

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I watched In Shock as I Hugged The Les Twins I was To EXCITED! " Well Damn She AInt Look That SHook When SHe Saw Us " Ayo Laughed As Still HAd My Mouth Open. " Well I Guess You Already Know WHo We Are Of Coarse we Are The Les Twins Some O The BEst Dancers In The World" The Smiled Together. " Some Of The Best Dancers??" I Said Shook " You Mean You ARE The Best And the cutest" I said Under My breathe " Well I Guess We all Can AGree We ARE The Cutest Am I Right Boys ?" Larry Said Laughing They All just rolled their eyes " Anyway" Teo said "{We brought the Les Twins here for just like a little talk you know?"

So we all sat down and we all started talking 

"Well" Larry started "I guess we will start with what Made us want to dance, My Brother and I started dancing at home like most dancers and my mom didnt really aprove us danceing you know? She wanted us to do something "better" like maybe one those Office Jobs where you sit in a rollie chair or somthing" He laughed " BUT we wanted to prove our mom wrong so we started making videos on youtube and people saw us dance and well Look as us now were practically invinsible" He said winking 

" Well" Ayo started " Like You We Started Dancing at Home And we did talent shows and youtube videos  and what not but it was really this little dude " He said hitting Teo Chest " One day we were all just dancing and you recording it to put up on instagram and stuff like regular and this little dude breaks out with a drop and then he reversed it and we all just went crazy it was really amazing " He said " We posted it and again it went viral and you know from then on we just knew we were gonna be dancing for life "

" I started dancing simply because I thought my brother looked cool doing it " Kida said " After my Dad died you know my whole family was at lost you know it was like everyday waking up and knowing he wasnt in the kitchen reading the newpaper or yelling at us about who didnt do dishes or take out the trash it was like whats the point of even getting up . My mom was the most upset because she and my dad had been together for the LONGEST and imagine having kids some havent even graduated highschool yet and then suddenly the love of yur life is gone for life?. Then one day I woke up and somerthing told me to get up and go outside so when I got up I saw my brother here dancing and ot really amazed me how hes deaf but through his headphones felt the vibrations of the best and the movement of his body just kept me staring s from that day forward I told my brother I wanted him to teach me how to dance and like yall we had put video on social media and all but what really made me realize my passion was on my dads birthday the day I was being judged on SYTYCD somthing was diffrent about me that day . Its like I was stronger than everyone else and I had confident Especially after I had just criend on national TV and I Got up there did my dance and I got acceptefd into dance academy then on the show and then won the show and Im just happy i know I made my dad Proud " Kida said as Tears started to fall down his cheek 

We all hugged Kida, and As I was hugging him I just remebered in my head why I was in Love with Kida and why I liked him so much and why he was always so inspirational to me . Its because He had passion and Love and he was strong because he knew no matter what happened he had to make his family proud.... His dad proud and I just loved that about him. 

" So " Kida said after wiping his tears " WHat made you dance, What inspired you, and what keeps you doing it ?" Kida asked

"Well" I started but he cut me off

" No" he said standing up " Ypu arent gonna tell me your gonna show me " He said smiling taking out his phone and speaker " You guys got the camera?" 

"Of coarse " Ayo said putting it up

" Well lets kick it" Kida said smiling ear to ear

HEY GUYS I decided to update again its kind of a sad chapter but you know we all struggle with something... DOnt forget to leave votes and comment see you guys in the next chapter !!

Kida The Great X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن