Episode 7E

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"No. And definitely not my little sister. That's not why I made you a Devilman." Ryo suddenly realized his misstep, despite your continued warnings.

"It's over Ryo. YN, just text me if you want to come hang out with me. Don't let this guy ruin what we have." He turned to leave.

"Wait, Akira." Ryo ran over to him and blocked the doorway.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY, RYO?" Akira had a frightening face on and Ryo backed away.

"It backfired, little sister." He looked at you as you stood up. "Akira... please stay alive."

You walked around and gathered a few things as Ryo opened the conveniently placed bible next to him.

"The Book of Revelations. The god of demons, Satan, lost his body in the war with the Lord. After an eternity, he rose from nothing and led a demon army that brought hell from the sky."

Sounds familiar... Like the last two times it happened. You scowled as he read aloud.

"Yet the army of God defeated them once more... The army of God?... Satan?..."

You paused your collection of items to see if this would be it. Would he remember now?

It didn't look like it, so you walked towards the door.

"Where do you think that you are going?" He asked you.

"Aki's. See ya." You scowled at him. You'd have eternity to spend with Ryo. You weren't so sure about Akira.

YN: I'm coming over, okay Aki?~ Love you <3

Aki<3<3: I'll wait for you on my bike. You can just come in with me.

You smiled, glad you wouldn't have to sneak in. Oncoming apocalypses tended to break down social norms. As you ran down your stairs, you saw that Akira was true to his word and was waiting on his bike.

"You better hold onto me tight, babe. You know how I ride." He smirked at you, shamelessly flirting.

"Hard and fast." You winked at him as you sat behind him, wrapping your arms around him, placing your hands underneath his shirt and your fingertips in his pants. He growled in response and began driving.

"You're making it hard to concentrate on driving."

"I think just hard." You laughed as you snuggled into his back.

The ride was pretty short, albeit pretty sexy as well. By the time you arrived  at Akira's home, he was more than ready to pounce on you.

"Let's just get inside and get up to my room if we can." He mumbled as he pulled you closely to him by your shoulder. He felt like he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. "I'm here!" He called out as he walked in.

"Akira, look at this!" Miki came running up. "Oh, hi YN! I haven't seen you in a while."

"Hi Miki!" You were cheerful and polite.

As you read the phone note in front of Akira, you realized that it was from Miki's mother explaining that she was taking the little boy and leaving.

"Your mom left?" Akira confirmed.

"Taro is with her, too." Miki reminded him.

Suddenly an older, non-Japanese man appeared.

"I'll go look for them." He mumbled.

"Me, too." Miki offered, although you knew neither man would let her go.

"No, stay. Someone needs to be here for her in case she comes back. Akira," Miki's father, apparently, turned towards him. "Take care of Miki."

You internally groaned. You knew her fate and you didn't want Akira to risk his life for hers. You needed him much more than Miki did. You probably needed him even more than you realized. But instead of turning the man down, which you knew he would have never done, Akira gave him his word.

You've Changed (Akira Fudo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now