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Danny's POV
"Let them go!!" I shouted as I shot ecto-blasts at the cage not even making a dent. Dan tried to go intangible but couldn't get through the bars."Ha you are so funny! Don't forget to try and stop me!" Bill shouted as his eye glowed red and suddenly Pacifica, Sam, Dani, Stan, Robbie, Wendy and Gideon was lifted into the air and changed into tapestries."SAM!! DANI!!"Dan and I shouted until we were in the same cage as Dipper and Mable."Sam." I said sadly."Now Ford, I will let them all go if I can enter your mind." Bill said."Don't do it Grunkle Ford!!" Mable shouted."Never you one eyed demon!" Ford yelled and he was turned i to a golden statue.

"Oh, if I can get into one of you spooks mind I will be able to know how to get into the Ghost Zone with my powers." Bill said."Ha, you can't even use your powers in the Ghost Zone. Your weak!!" Dipper shouted."Silence!!" Bill shouted."Don't think I won't kick your ass." I growled as Dan send him hateful glares."Yeah, Yeah, I won't win and I won't get ultimate power, blah blah blah blah. Classic super hero spook." He said leaving with Ford in his hand.

"There has to be a way out." I said."Look up there." Mable said and we looked to the top and saw a hole big enough for all of us to climb through."Let's get up there." Dan said as he picked Dipper up on his back and started to climb the triangular cage. I picked up Mable who hugged me for dear life."Don't worry, this will end." I said as I followed Dan to the outside of the cage."How are we going to free them?" I asked looking specifically at Sam and Dani. Sam's tapestry was a dark red with her holding a purple rose in her hands with her eyes closed. Dani was our symbol on actual fire in her hands with her eyes open glowing by the looks of it."Oh shoot." I heard the old man said."Do you know how we can get them out?" Dan asked coming closer to Old Man Mcgucket."Sorry big fella but no. You can only make Bill weaker so his magic can fail." He said."Great how are we going to do that?" I asked.

We were hopeless.

Sam's POV
I was stuck in mind while my body was looking like a ugly tapestry."DANNY!!" I kept shouting but no one heard me. I tried using my powers but I'm untrained with them. I don't know how to use them...yet"Where are we?" I heard someone said behind me. I turned around and saw Stan, Pacifica, Robbie, Wendy and Gideon behind me. So I'm not stuck in my mind but how does that work?"Are you ok?" I asked."Yeah, just a little headache." Wendy said as I helped her stand up. I was still in my ghost form but I knew I was slowly losing the power to hold my ghost form."I'm going to switch back soon." I said.

"Great so we are all stuck in a piece of tarp and you are losing your transformation." Stan said."What do you mean by transformation?" Gideon asked."Urgh!" I said."Is it something I said?" Gideon said and I rolled my eyes. I touched the "glass" window that could help with our exit but it only blocked me out.

"Danny, please hurry."

Danny's POV
I could hear Bill coming closer."Hide." I said and everyone from the town went back into their hiding place."Okay Ford lets- WHAT?!!" Bill shouted as he noticed the empty cell."All freaks from all types and sizes go find our missing prisoners!!" He shouted as they all started to fan out."Way the go, Dipper." Ford whisperd proudly but wasn't unheard by Bill."Oh, don't you worry. We will find them and it won't be pretty when I do." He said as he puts Ford in the cage where we've been."Danny please go get him." Mable asked.

"It's to risky. I can't phase through the cage. It's blocking me out." I said and she looked fearfully at Ford."But we wil get him out with the others. I promise." I said to her and she nodded. Yes, I have a idea."Psst Dan." I said and he came closer."What?" He asked."How good is your Ghostly Wail now?" I asked and he smirked."Let's do it." He said.

"Okay you two go hide. We have a plan to weaken Bill." I said and Dipper looked weirdly at us."What is it? I'm sure we can help." Dipper said."Uh not with this one since you need to have this little one ability." I said and he nodded and grabbed Mable and went through a hall way."Okay we need to get Bill's attention." I said and he nodded."HEY BILL!! WHICH WAY IS THE ESCAPE?!" I shouted."WHAT?!" He shouted. It's working."I SAID WHICH WAY IS THE ESCAPE?!" I said again and we quickly went to a spot where there was no one except freaks with Bill."They're this way. Come on." He said and as he turned around he stopped."That was surprisingly easy." A pink flaming hot thing said.

"Uh, Bill we have a surprise." Dan started."Oh, look fellas we have a show coming on!" Bill said as he floated higher."A one and a two and Bill is going be lalala. Bill is a yellow triangle lalalalalala. Bill is so evil! THALALALALALAALLA. Who's but are we going to kick?!" We sang as we waited for them to reply."BILL's BUTT!!" They shouted and got confused. Dan and I inhaled a lot of air and we both let out our Ghostly Wail.

Dipper's POV
Mable and I was nearby to see the action but far enough from harms way. Dan and Danny started to sing a Christmas song and at the end they let out a terrible wail out sounding like people dying in no mercy whatsoever. By the time they both stopped Bill's army was already shot out through the hole we created and all the tapestries that held our friends and family floated down and they landed slowly on the ground. Sam was now in her human form as everyone else looked at her with shock. We ran to them."Are you okay?" I asked."You spooks are going to die fully!!" Bill shouted as he stood up. I quickly got my journal out and started to draw the prophesy on the floor. Everyone went to their symbol and held hands as they started to hold hands."Dan!! Danny!!" Sam shouted and they quickly helped Unkle Ford stand up and jioned in with the rest of us.

Bill was forced onto the middle as he started to lose his powers and everything outside was going back into the rift. We all screamed as Bill was now blazing with fire and slowly burning up.

Once he was finally gone we all were in the forest where everything was back to normal. We let go and fell to the grass."Whoa I feel dizzy." Dani said."Same here." I said as I tried to calm down from what just happened."Well. Bill is now finally gone for good." Danny said as he changes back into his human form with Dan and Dani. Sam who was somehow in her ghost form changed back aswell.

"Found you Ghost Boy."

Me: DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNNN!!!! Guess who and what?
Danny: A new story?!
Me: Yep and guess what it's about?*smirks evilly*
Danny:What? Teen Titans...again?
Me:No. What part is a SEQUEL!!! The Who part is probably going to be the death of me.
Me:Well I gotten this crazy idea and the fandom of these two shows would probably want to kill me.
Dani:Just say it or we will kill you for putting us on a cliffhanger.
Me:Not a full Cliffhanger but fine.*to fans* I dare you all not to kill me especially LoliRock fans out there.
Dan and Danny:What are you doing?
Me:Making the sequel a crosscover off Dp and LR.
Me:Oh shit. Well I could make the ending happy in the sequel, unlesss you want me to make someone die on the story.
Fandom:NO PLEASE DON NOT. GO AHEAD WITH THE SEQUEL.(hopefully those are your real thoughts)
Me:Thanks for understanding, now this might get crazy. One more chapter left to let know when the Sequel is up. Bye!!
Everyone else:Bye!!
Me:*hides in secret bunker from other angry fans*

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