02: Mysterious

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In case someone didn't read the note at the end of the last chapter, this story takes place in Minecraft Diaries season 2 (like 90% of my stories). Also, I'll be using metric measurements. (Just because Minecraft was technically made with metric units in mind.)

Without the help of teleportation magic, the journey from O'khasis to Phoenix Drop would have been a long one. They are on opposite sides of Ru'an and it would have taken up at least 2 days of my precious time. The tricky part is deciding when I should teleport to the gates of this dreaded village.

I looked up at the sky and noted that it was sundown. It wasn't going to be dark for at least another hour but the sun is definitely going down. I really don't want to travel early in the morning so I should decide where I'm teleporting from right now.

As to not strain my magic, I should probably teleport from the Enchanted Forest. That way I can make it to the other side without having to use a boat and I'll make it as far as I can on foot.

Glancing up at the sky again, I begin to pick up my pace so I'll make it on time.

When I finally reached the Enchanted Forest, I began to look around for a good, sturdy tree to camp in. I ended up finding this really tall, sturdy oak tree and I climbed up to the middle of all of the branches. I found a really wide, steady branch and laid myself out against it. Once I was sure the branch wouldn't break, I began to sleep.

Who am I kidding? Me? Melody, the Dragon Soul, sleeping? No. I'll rest instead. Never, in a million years, would I sleep again. I'm a Jury Guard, I have scars that prove why I shouldn't sleep.

>Time Skip to Morning<

When I felt the sun finally hit my face, I started to consider that I needed to keep going. I didn't want to. I'd be leaving the safety of O'khasis for... "Phoenix Drop," I mumbled out loud. Kicking myself back in gear, I looked up to the sky. It was very early in the morning; the sun had barely risen. The earlier, the better. That means there is a lower likelihood of being seen.

I jumped down from the tree and landed gracefully on the ground. I use all of my focus to picture what the other side of the forest looks like: the area around it, the dense forest, the wildlife. Lastly, I snapped my finger.

I give myself a few seconds before slowly opening my eyes. The forest is behind me now, which is great; I'm on the other side. Following the path south, I start running in the direction of my dreaded job. After a good long while, I stopped running and began to walk at a normal pace. Before I even knew it, I found this really broken down, ruined gate. "I guess this is where they had that war so long ago," I whispered out my thoughts. I had no clue who could be around here and didn't want to risk notifying someone I was here.

From what I remember about his last story, there's another gate that surrounds the new part of the village around a kilometer in. However, there are still people who patrol this gate. Once I remembered this fact, I jumped up into a tree, crouching on the branches. I cannot be spotted yet. I will be eventually because it's part of my plan, but I cannot be found now. I look down and around the wall.

There isn't anyone immediately in my sight... Hopefully, that's a good thing.

The moment I decide that it is 99.9% safe, I jump onto the crumbling wall. Throwing my hands out at my side as to not lose balance. Then I jumped into another tree, this time inside of Phoenix Drop.

To get to the new gates unspotted, I jump from tree to tree, trying my best to stay in the shadows. After a few minutes, I find myself at the gate. I would love if I wasn't caught, but my plan to get into Phoenix Drop without being found out about dictates that I do.

The Dragon Soul: The Tale of the Warrior Named Melody and 5 Guys (Abandoned)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang