Uh oh

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Chapter 2

I was so scared. Dyllan said he was talking to the principal so he probably told him I had my dog. Why else would he have kicked my bag on "accident"?

I walked to his office and sat down in the red leather chair across from him. He looked at me, expressionless and I panicked.

"I'm so sorry! I won't bring him back it's just that...." he held up his hand to scilence me and said " Ms. Bishop I don't know what you did but that's not why you're here." I let out a sigh of relief and he continued "But I was going to ask you if you would like to help one of my students up his grades. Not like being a tutor but like you helping him as in reminding him constantly about doing his homework or occasionally helping him with it."

I didn't think it through before I said " That would be fine. I can help him." Only then did I realize that him, could be DYLLAN!!!!!

Mr. Altwood told me I would meet him after school in the library near the front desk and dismissed me.

By the time u got out of his office, it was time to go to 2nd period so I walked towards science and I realized I have every class with Dyllan!! If I was helping HIM, the rest of the day would be extremely awkward.

I got to science and don't really pay any attention at all because we were talking about photosynthesis and I already know that stuff. I was more focused on trying to figure out who I was helping with work. It was like a giant puzzle with missing pieces.

" What do you think Feera?" I snapped into focus and said "Huh?" There were some snickers behind me and I knew some people were mocking me. She looked at me and said " What does photosynthesis do?" I pondered the question for a moment then replied " Photosynthesis give a plant it's food and color. It also gives us oxygen."

The snickers turned into scoffs because some of them from my old school new I was always right. They longed to see me slip up just once, but I never did. " Very good Feera." she said and returned to her teaching. I was just boss like that.

After science, social studies and cheer was pretty boring. So I went to the library to help out in my free period. I had to do check-in check-out which I did easily. All of the sudden someone put Divergent in front of me and said, "Check out and hurry up about it. I have places to be."

The voice was familiar so I looked up and said " Excuse me?!!?!" Connie looked up at me, smiled and said "You herd me book nerd. Hurry up!" we started laughing and people started staring. " Shhhhhh!!!" I said to her. After we calmed down she said she had to get to Tech class and I said bye.

I went to choir after that and I found out I got my solo in the spring fling singing competition. I was so gonna win. I was going to sing Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri.

After school, I went to the library and sat down at the front desk, waiting for the guy I was "helping".

He walked in.

He had dark chocolate brown hair that was shaggy cut so it fell in his face. He had sharp features and these big electric green eyes. Gorgeous.

Then I looked closer at his face since he had a black hoodie on. The hood was up but I still saw who it was. I died.

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