The Park

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Chapter 4

I walked into the park and looked around. I didn't see Dyllan anywhere so I went to the biggest tree I could find and climbed it. I sat in the highest part of the tree and laid down.

I took out my phone, plugged in my beats, and played Teenagers by My Chemical Romance.

About 5 minutes later, I heard something so I looked down and took of my beats.

"Rosie! I know you hear me. I see you!" he yelled. I tried ignoring him but he threw something at me and that was it.

I jumped down and I swear I saw him smirk when my shirt came up to show my stomach. He looked at me and jogged away tauntingly. He was so dead!

" Shut the hell up Dyllan!!" I was going to kill him. I would go to his funeral and dance on his grave.

"Come on Rosie. I know you love me!!" he yelled at me. "My name isn't Rosie. It's Feera!" I yelled back at him.

He didn't pay any attention so when he tripped on the curb I started laughing so hard, I had to lay down.

He got up and walked over to me. I was still laughing. He laid down next to me and I ran away. I looked up at the sky. He did the same. We were about 10 feet away from each other.

"I can't believe eventually that beautiful blue will turn dark and ugly with pollution." he looked at me surprised and said "I never knew you were so into the environment."

"There's a lot of stuff you don't know about me." I sat up and ran away back to the tree. I climbed the tree back to where I was before and pulled out my math book from my bag.

I was startled by an orange tail. Sunkist slowly woke up and looked at me with sleep in his eyes. He yawned and laid down on my stomach.

" Who knew you had a puppy in your bag?" Dyllan said sarcastically. He had climbed up behind me. We were about 25 feet in the air. Not to high up but not close to the ground either.

I kicked him and when he hunched over, I pushed him out of the tree. "That was for kicking him earlier!!!!!"

He landed hard on the ground with a thud. He sat up rubbing his head and I was glad it hurt him.

"How was I supposed to know that. You shouldn't have your dog anyways." He yelled.

I looked at him and automatically said " That's none of your business."

He looked up at me "Oh but I think it is Rosie. You see, when you agreed to helping me, your life became mine. I saw the bruises and scars on your stomach when you came down from the tree." He looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Who did that to you Rosie?" He actually looked like he cared but then I heard someone yell from behind him.

" Dyllan! Yo bro what's up?" It was one of his jacked up idiotic friends. He had 2 girls walk up behind him. The bubbly blonde stayed with him but the tiny red head walked over to Dyllan.

She looked at him with the most fake look ever. Then she looked up at me, following his gaze and looked at me disgusted.

I coughed out the word "Slut"

She looked up at me and said "What did you call me?" I looked down at her and said "I called you a slut. Get over it."

She looked mad and I laughed. "Oh you are so dead!" She yelled. I looked back at her still laughing and said mockingly "Please. You won't climb this tree because you might break a nail!"

"Dyllan! Make her apologize!!" she whined. " Oh. Dyllan I didn't know she was your slut. I would have said meaner things if I had known that!" He laughed trying to hold it in but obviously failing.

"Dyllan!" she said hitting him in the arm. I looked at him and said "So Dyllan, this is the girl of the week. Huh.

And I thought I was bad for bringing my dog to school."

Sunkist perked up at this and I had to hold him down so he wouldn't jump on her.

He started to growl. "You must have done something bad for him to do you. What did you do? Red heads aren't usually that bad"

(I'm not trying to be offensive to anyone. I'm am red head and so is my mom. We were pretty bad so this is just stereotype)

" See ya later Rosie." He started to walk away but I called after him. "Fine. I guess I'll just tell Mr.Altwood you didn't show for help and you'll just have a detention. In detention you'll have to deal with me because I'm in charge of it. See ya then!"

He turned around and said "Yeah. I'm sure you will tell. Your to chicken to tell anyone."

I asked if he had seen divergent and he said he had. "I'm just like Tris. People think she won't shoot them but then she does to prove them wrong. I'll do the same just for you."

He said goodbye to his friends and said "Fine. I'll do it. What should I do?"

I dropped the book down to him and said " There's a test tomorrow in science. Study."

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