Do I Have To Do This

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Chapter 3

Dyllan walked up to me with a smug smile on his face and said " So, how was it with Mr. Whatever the principals name is."

I looked at him and answered " Mr. Altwood was nice. Why would you care any ways? you know what, I don't have time for this. I'm supposed to be meeting someone."

He looked at me and stuck out his hand saying "Hello, I'm Dyllan Renolds" I gagged. " I'm helping YOU with your work?!?!?!?" he looked me in the eye and said " You think I want to be taught by some little girl instead of being outside?" He looked at me and I glared at him.

"I'm not a little girl you son of a bitch." He backed away like he was scared but I knew he was joking. "Oooo!!! The little girl cusses!!"

I looked at him and wanted to rip off his head then and there but I was supposed to teach him, not kill him.

" Listen. If you want to survive a day with me you better shut the f up." He said " Oh just say the word baby!" I was so gonna kill him.

" Don't EVER call me baby again." He laughed like I was funny. "If you want to survive the day with me, you better shut the fuck up!" He clapped. "There we go Fira." I hated him. "It's FEERA. Not Fira. Come on." We made our way to the tables and u sat across from him. "Do you have your homework?" I questioned.

He looked at me and I said "Why do I bother asking? Okay. So where do you want to go for "help"? We can't go to my house so it's either here, your house, or the park. I prefer the park but hurry up and choose. Your weirdo friends ARENT invited. Just an FYI."

He mockingly thought for like 5 minutes and finally said "The park sounds good. I'll bring the food, you bring the blanket."

I looked at him. He was smiling. He had a cute smile. Feera, what the hell are you thinking!!!! I erases that thought and said "You may think so, but this isn't a date so no blanket but do bring food. I'll get hungry waiting in you. "

He looked at me annoyed. " Here give me your number so I can contact you if needed." I got out a pen and said "We go every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday."

I wrote on 214-949-3713 on his arm and said "That means this afternoon smart one. Be there at 5 every time. Alright?" He was staring me in the eyes and we stayed there not blinking for at least 3 minutes.

He finally blinked and I yelled "I WIN!!!!!"  And threw my arms up in the air like I had made a goal. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me and smiled.

"Finally one of my babes catches on when I stare at them. They are always like, oh stop staring just because I'm pretty." He mocked. I hit him and in the most serious tone said "I'm NOT your babe."

I got up and said "5 o'clock" He called after me saying "See you then Rosie"

Great he gave me a nickname.

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