A/N - New Updates!

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Hello, my lovely Wattpadawans!

Wow, oh, wow! This story has erupted with new people since The Last Jedi came out, and I can't express how happy I am that all of you found this story! Thank you so very much for taking the time to read this work! And, thank you to all of the lovely people who have commented and reached out to me! Words can't describe what it's like to hear back from you guys. :)

I've had a lot of questions on the last update of this story because I've been somewhat M.I.A. on Wattpad since then, so I'd like to address some of those for you guys. Read if you want to or ignore if you don't- I respect whichever you choose! Just know that there's going to be quite a bit of information about the future of this work in this author's note.

Thank you in advance for reading or just checking the notification on this update. Have a lovely day and, as always, happy reading!

Are you ever going to update this story?

Yes! This story is still in the process of being written. I promise that I haven't tossed it into the trash compactor yet.

When will you update it?

That's a very good question. I don't have a specific time frame as of this moment, but hopefully in the next few weeks or so there will be an update.

Why is it taking so long?

The answer is pretty simple on this one; I've just got a life. I'm in the middle of competition season for the theater and choir programs I'm a part of, and I'm also caught in the middle of intense academic work in preparation for exams and such. I'm just ridiculously busy at the moment. It takes me a very long time to write each chapter, as well, and I would rather wait and offer you all something of good quality than rush and give you a crappy update, y'know? I hope you all understand!

Where's the story going?

I will say that I'm very excited to experiment with how a certain plot twist from last chapter affects our "star-crossed" lovers. And, yes, I have unfortunately named the baby already, so I won't do voting on it or anything. BUT! I would love to hear some of your ideas on how YOU think the story should go! I actually intend to rewrite most of this story because I don't like the style I used, so your ideas would really help me out!

Can we give feedback or suggestions about the story?

Y E S. I'm always looking for a brainstorming buddy! I really would love to have conversations with you guys about the story because I adore hearing your ideas and opinions of what should happen. I am always open to your thoughts! In fact, I'm always looking for ways to spice up the story, so chances are I may end up using your ideas if you wanted to share them! :)

Can I make music playlists, edits, or art for this story?

HECKITY HECK TO THE HECKING YES! You are more than welcome to do anything you please with this story! I would LOVE to see anything you might create!

Can we be friends?

Okay, I just added this one because I'm a generally lonely person, and I would love to get to talk to some of you! So, if you ever feel like reaching out, do! I'll always be here to rave about Star Wars and Reylo whenever you need it. :)

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