Chapter 1

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1 year later

Sasha's P.O.V

It's officially been a year since me and Roman got marrier and you ever since that incredible day everything has been amazing. Today was our one year anniversary and I had something special for him.

Good morning. Roman said as I came down the stairs.

Morning. What is all of this? I said after kissing him.

Happy anniversary my beautiful wife.

Why, thank you. The perfect breakfast with the perfect husband.

I know.

Don't flatter yourself.

I'll try. He said and then kissed him but then Millie and Joelle came running down the stairs.

You know each time we run down the stairs you guys are always kissing. Joelle said.

You could stay in bed a little longer sometimes.

We could but we won't. Millie said.

Funny, if I were both of you I would go upside and get ready to go to school.

Okay but only if.... Millie said.

Only if, nothing go upside now young lady or you know there's a lot of chores here that need to done and you could do it.

If you need us we'll be upstairs brushing our teeth getting ready to go to school. Joelle said going to upstairs with Millie.

God, so help me.

You know we should go back to what we were doing.

I would love to but I have to make sure that they doing what they are saying. I said and then went upstairs.

Millie and Joelle school

Bye guys, I love you. I said dropping them at school.

Mommy before go I need to give you something. Millie said.

What is it? I said and she gave me a red rose.

This is so sweet. Where did you get it.

That's secret. Bye mommy. She said and then left.

Bye. I said wondering what was happening.


Hey. I said to Roman walking in.


When I dropped off Millie and Joelle Millie gave me a red rose.


I have no idea. She just gave it to me and then left.

Let Millie be Millie so, right now we could. He said and kissed me.

Someone really wants some.

Yes I do.

You know tonight's our one year anniversary of marriage and I think that we should cause I promise I'll give you a lot of what you need. I said kissing him on neck.

If that's what you want but I promise you that I'll give you whatever you need tonight.

Great. I have to go to the gym got to work on these abs. I said and then left.


54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60. Abs done. Sleep let's go. I said and once I turned around I saw someone that I haven't seen in years and I didn't want to see so I ran out of the gym ad fast as I could, and then called Bayley.


Hey, Sasha. What's wrong?

I saw him.

Saw who.


You mean...

Please don't say his name.

Where did you see him?

At the gym but he see I ran out as fast as I could.

Where are you now?

I'm in my car driving him.

I'm sorry Sasha. I know how much he's done to you.

It's okay. I'm over it. It was just one time and I'll probably never see him again.

I'm glad you're okay. I have to go, I'll call you later.

Okay bye.


Right now I don't want to think about him and go home to the person that I love and spend our anniversary with him.

Hello. I said opening the door, but when I came in there was a path if red rose petals going upstairs.

What's going on? I said and then upstairs to mine and Roman's room and when I opened the door Roman was standing there.



What's going on?

Happy anniversary. I wanted to do something special because I know you've been a little stress with work and everything else so I wanted to do something simple and easy.

Thank you.

Here you go. He said giving me a box inside was a necklace spelling his name.

I love it. Thank you. I said and then kissed him.

Happy anniversary.

Happy anniversary.

No one's P.O.V

Yes she loves, no she loves, yes she loves, no she loves me. I've always hated this stupid flower game it always lies. It knows that me and Sasha are supposed to be together forever.

Oh, shut up. A women said coming in.

Whatever. What's the plan?

Calm down, the plan is almost done. So hold you're horses you're going to Sasha very soon and then I'm going to have Roman and nothing is going to stop us. I hope that they enjoyed there first anniversary and there last because what we're planning is going to make there never be together ever.

I love it when you talk evil.

Me too.

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