Chapter 9

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Galina's P.O.V

Hey baby Mason. I said when I walked into the apartment we're staying at.

What did you do? He said sounding suspicious.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about what did you do because you sound actually really happy.

Okay, so I have bad and good news.

Good news first.

Bad news, Roman found out that I'm not Sara but actually Galina.

You're f***ing kidding me right.

Well the good news is that he gonna give me 30 grand.

You just said 30 grand.

I did because that's what he's doing and if he doesn't do it well he has a lot secrets that I'm pretty sure he doesn't want me to tell anyone.

Well then you have spilt with me.



Because you're gonna have Sasha at the end of all of this like you wanted.

Yeah, but I would also like some money at the end of this.

It's not going to happen Mason, ever. I said and then Mason turned me around and choked me.

Give me 10 grand from that money or else I'll kill you.

Okay, okay. I said barely holding on to any breath I had left.

Good. He said and then left.

Mason is getting crazy and I need to leave and warn Sasha about what he's able to do.


Knock Knock

Coming. Sasha said coming to the door.

Galina, what the hell are you doing here?

You don't have to be a bitch, okay. Is Mason here?

No, why.

We need to talk I'm Sara.

No, you're Galina sadly.

No I've been pretending to be Sara this entire time with Mason because I wanted Roman and he wanted you.

Wow. You know saying that out loud sounds like you.

Didn't I say not to act like an bitch.

Why are you telling me this?

Because Mason choked me to death before I came here and I needed to tell you and warn you need to go to Roman and leave with Millie and Joelle and call the police.


Because for a while Mason would literally do anything to have you, anything not in a good way. You need to go and be with your family.

Thank you Galina.

You're welcome.

What about you?

I have a taxi outside waiting for me. I'm leaving this state.

Where are you going?

I think it's better that you don't know.

Okay, thank you for everything.

Anytime. Take care of yourself Sasha.

Sasha's P.O.V

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