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5 years ago...

"Mom..? Where's dad? He said he'd be back today." I say shutting the front door. Her back is to me so I can't see her face.

She turns around and tears are streaming down her face. I look at her in shock and confusion.
"What's happened?" I ask.
"I'm so sorry, sweet heart..." she starts.
"What's happened?" I repeat. I sit next to her and hold her hand.

"He had a car crash." She sobs. "He's dead!"
"You're not talking about... Dad.. right?" I say backing away a little.
"I'm sorry..." She whispers.

I feel like my whole word has just been ripped away from me.

2 years ago...

I sit there, worried. Mom is in hospital and my stepdad has gone to see her. I'm not allowed in there, I'm too young.

I hear the front door slam and I bolt up to see him.
"So?" I immediately say. He looks at me then looks at the floor.
"She's... gone." He sighs. A tear falls from his eye and he wipes it away.

"No, no, no, no. She c-can't be gone." I stutter. He rolls his eyes and this is where he changed.
"Lexie, she's gone!" He shouts. "She's dead. Your mom is dead!" I look at him in disbelief. He pushes me upstairs and I go into my room.


I wake up and I take a shower. I dry my hair and I straighten it. I decide to wear this:

I do some makeup, and I'm excited for the summer holidays

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I do some makeup, and I'm excited for the summer holidays. I walk down the stairs and I see my stepdad.

"Hi, I'm going out." I say not lifting my head.
"Bye, then." He says staring at me. I go out and slam the door.
"Dickhead." I mumble. He never cares where I go.

Me: hey u still going out?

Lauren: yahhh come to mine

Me: kk

I walk to her house and I knock on the door.

Her mom answers.
"Oh, Lexie.. hi." She says rudely with disappointment in her face.
"Hi, what's up?" I say looking behind her. Lauren runs out the door and she says goodbye to her mom. Before her mom shuts the door, she gives me a death stare.

Yep, she hates me.

"So, what're we doing?" She asks me.
"Well... there's a new store on the corner and we could get some beers and go to the beach." I smile. She laughs and nods.

We go to the shop and we grab a crate of beers. We go to pay for them and I give the guy a fake ID card. He looks at it then he looks at me.
"D'you think I'm stupid?" He asks me and Lauren.
"Well, if you weren't maybe you wouldn't have such a shitty job. I bet you were crap at school." I laugh.

He throws the card back at me.
"Get the hell outta my store." He shouts.
"So, we don't get them?" Lauren asks smiling. He sighs.
"Okay, okay, okay." I say walking away.

I look back at the crate. It's still next to him where I left it. I run back and I grab them. I run out the shop.
"Lexie, what the fuck are you doing?!" Lauren shouts to me.
"Just run!" I shout back.

We both run and soon I hear sirens.
"Ah, shit!" Lauren shouts looking behind us. "We may as well just stop, Lex!" She grabs my arm and I stop.

The cop car stops next to us and two guys get out.
"Your mommy and daddy gave you money for those?" One of them ask being a smartass.
"Yeah, so can we go?" Lauren asks.
"You can... but you'll have to come to the office first." He smiles.

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