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I get the courage to get up and I shoot loads of them, just to get to him.

Bullets are getting so close to me.
"Lexie, what the hell are you doing?!" I hear Riggs shout. I ignore him.

"Lexie, get down!" He shouts more.

Somehow all the guys are on the floor, with blood pouring out on the floor. I run to Gabe but I see that he has a knife.

I pull my gun up but he bats it away. He then grabs me and put the knife next to my throat. Riggs and Roger get up and walk slowly over.

"You put that knife down." Riggs says to Gabe. He just laughs and shakes his head.

Riggs stares at him. I hear one more gun shot and I hear Gabe fall over. I look behind me and he's got a hole in his chest.

I look back up at Riggs and he looks at me. I run up to him and hug him.

"You lied, Lexie." He says. I cry into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry." He hugs me tighter.

We go back to the hotel and Grayson is sat on the bed. He hugs me tightly.

"I'm sorry, I told them." He says looking down at me.
"If you didn't, I'd be dead." I smile and I hug him again.

I look at Riggs and he's smiling at us.

We go back to LA and it takes 33 hours. Which the majority of it, I rest my head on Grayson's shoulder and was asleep.

I wake up as we stop for a break. Riggs stands outside the car and I stand next to him. Leaving the two others chatting in the car.

"Hey, Riggs?" I ask.
"I'm actually really sorry." I say looking down. He pats my back and then puts his arm around me.
"We're all still alive, so it's fine." He smiles, which makes me happy.

"You know how I live at Rog's?" I ask.
"Yeah...?" He asks curiously.
"Can I not live with you?" I ask smiling. "I mean, I like it at Roger's house, but you're like my best friend."

"What about Lauren?" He asks raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, her. She's not a friend."
"I don't think there's any room for you, kid." I sadly smile and we carry on with the journey.

We go to Avery's office and he walks up to us.
"Roger told me that you were with him. You're in so much trouble." He says to Grayson.

Grayson just looks at me and raises his eyebrows.
"Avery, I made him come with me." I say sighing, but then I smile.
"Oh, and that's why you're in trouble too." Riggs says joining in the conversation.

I groan.
"How bad is it?" I ask, nervous for the answer.
"How bad do you think living with me is?" He says smiling. I don't get it at first, but then I do.

"Yay! Really?" I say hugging Riggs. He nods and laughs. Avery smiles at us and so does Grayson.
"But you actually do have a punishment." He says seriously. I roll my eyes and Grayson chuckles.

Riggs tells me that he's sorted it all out.
"Riggs. Murtagh. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Avery asks, so they go and sit in their office.

I go on my phone until I'm interrupted by Grayson.
"Were you actually gonna kill yourself?" He asks quietly. I think and shrug. "I've got something to tell you."

"Yeah?" I ask curiously.
"I like you. A lot." He smiles and blushes.
"Really?" I say confused.
"Yeah..." he goes more red and I chuckle.

I kiss his cheek, and he looks at me.
"I like you too." I smile and he returns it.

"So... I know we haven't known each other for long, but do you wanna go out with me?" He asks awkwardly, and that makes me laugh.
"Yeah, sure." I say and he smiles more.

Trust me... - Riggs story Where stories live. Discover now