Chapter 1

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Robin P.O.V
Today is the day am gonna ask her out! I walk to the comman room to see her watching Beastboy and Cyborg playing video games

"Starfire can I talk to you in private?"I asked all 3 turned to me

"Aww Robins finally gonna ask her out!"Cyborg yelled as his eyes glittered what the hell!

"Aww! Get Some! Get Some! Get Some!"Beastboy yelled laughing
I blush

"You are gonna do the asking out?!"Star yelled in disbelief "The now? Like the right now?"She questioned, as Beastboy and Cyborg laughed so hard that they started crying

"Umm Y-Yes " said she gasped while smiling and hugged me while flying

"I accept!"She said she flew out of the comman room to Raven's Room I think

"Dude you finally did it " Beastboy said putting a hand on my shoulder and chuckling

"Ok You two talk....WHILE I WIN THE GAME!"Cyborg grabbed his controller

"NO!"BB grabbed his and street playing
I do agree with Raven they are complete idiots!

Starfire P.O.V
I fly to Raven's Room because since the prank that friend Cyborg and Friend Beastboy played on us, we were covered in the peanut butter,goop and water on us it was quite uncomfortable

Flash back

I was walking around lookimg for my mustard but then I see Raven she sees me

"Friend have seen my mustard?"I asked she shakes her head

"No, have you seen my belt and cloak I looked everywhere but there no where to be seen " She asked me too

it is strange that we both lost something


The water,peanut butter then some green goop fell on us
Then we hear the laughing

"AHHHH! BEASTBOY CYBORG!"Friend Raven yelled shouting there names I still had the minimal clothing on but Friend Raven was missing her cloak and her belt which meant she was completely covered in it

When Beastboy and Cyborg come out laughing ,Cyborg was holding my mustard and Beastboy was holding Friend Raven's Belt and cloak laughing, I look over at Raven she was the very angry but I was the cringing at the feeling

"Listen my hair grows when am angry and if my hair grows to the minimal of it being really long I will kill you both " She said trying to stay really calm but was worthless

"But you look beautiful with long hair Rae "Friend Beastboy Grinned at her,she was the angry she tryed to fly out of the sticky mess but failed , I try but I end up failing on the floor

"Wait until I tell Robin he will make you train extra!"Friend Raven yelled they chuckled

"And why would he do that?"Cyborg asked putting his robotic hands on his hips

"You split goop on Starfire " She smirked they looked at each other and gulped loudly why would Friend Robin be angry for them splitting the goop on me? "Get us out of us mess and we wouldn't tell anything " Raven smirked once again I was taken back on how good Friend Raven was at bragging

"Fine " They both sighed,Cyborg blasted a metal ball at us and it exploded and we were the clean and the mess was now gone
"OH MY GOD!"Friend Raven yelled as her hair was as long as reupunzel, it was everywhere and it was more more more more! Longer then Reupunzels! And that is very long,she lifted her hair with magic and put it in a braid as it was now to her toes just like Reupunzels she sighed

"Sorry star " Cyborg came and gave me the mustard I smile and nod

Raven walked to beastboy and put her hand out for her things, Beastboy took a glance at her body before he put her belt and cloak in her hand, she slapped him across the face and his head turned the other way when she slapped him, she put her things on and put her hood up and walked away I followed her to her room as she let me in

Flash back finished

I knock on her door she opens it and looks at me and let's me in

"Friend Robin asked me the out!"As I did the speaking she walked to her bed and sat down , I sit next to her her hair was put and it covered half of the room! Even teg bed was covered in and pile

"About time! Everyday I see him staring at you! You won't believe how many time Cyborg and Beastboy filmed him blushing and staring " She chuckled though the weeks me and her have been the bestest of friends! She now does the opening up to me more

"He does,please tell me how many times "I asked she nodded

"About 5 thoundred times maybe more but in all of them he asks stupid like he may be tries to look cool but then gives up its really funny " She switched her TV on "My hair grows more when I get angry it's really and get noting but I can't cut it its rock sold I tried my powers,Cyborg yours, I hate it! But What should we watch today?"She asked me and we Watch the movies and television shows on her TV but sometimes we have the music turn on her 3 big speakers and dance or sing it has as kind of been the routine

"What about...descendants 2?"I asked her her mouth dropped

"It come out! Let's Watch then!"She smiles I hug her she hugs back she, the movie starts she quickly makes a big blanket appear covering us and made a table a pear that was by her bed and had the drinks,popcorn,ice cream in all flavors,doritos and more chips, tissues and more food as we watched the movie

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