Chapter 12

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Beastboy P.O.V

It has been about 2 months and Raven was still sleeping, if you don't know Raven was knocked at Rob and Star's Wedding when she went outside when I was inside, I went outside to see a boy with Red hair carrying Raven when she was unconscious, I beat him up a nd ran back inside telling the other titans what happened with Raven,we went back home and it was 2 mouths bad she wasn't responding.....I wish she could wake up..

Raven P.O.V
It was a horrible day Beastboy forced me to go outside and it was freezing cold, like it was snowing and we were outside

"Are you enjoying being outside Raven?"He asked me,I nod but actually I hated it

"Hi am Wanda!  I love you! Your my fave superhero!"She grabbed Beastboy ' s arm but honestly I am not jealous like I have ganded a lot of hatred towards him that I wanna fucking kill Him!

"Hey Wanda!"He put his arms around her waist, and he kissed her I really want all of this to end!!


I open my eyes  and see that am in a hospital bed and Beastboy was sitting there looking at me, he gasped and smiled hugging

"YOUR WAKE!!"She yelled then the other titans came running in what the Fuck is Terra doing here?!

I hissed and pushed him away
"Why am I here and what happened?"I asked they all look somewhere else

"On Robins and Star's Wedding you nearly got kidnapped...remember when you got your heels and nd sleeps went outside?"He asked me I nodded

"Well a guy with a black mask and red hair drugged you, you were unconscious, he was about rake you away but I came and saved you but in 2 mouths yoy wouldn't wake up " Beastboy looking into my eyes, I was shocked, so I was dreaming the whole thing! Thank god! It was all a dream!!!

I hugged him tight

"I had the most terrible nightmare in my life " I whispered, he hugged me back

"I know you would wimper in your sleep " He kissed my forehead as the others Starfire and Cyborg said Awww but Robin was just jealous

"Friend Raven are you ok now?"Starfire me I nodded and stood

"Yeah but there's one more thing we have to do!"I said walking up to Robin

"What?"Robin asked

"We have to find out who tried to kidnap me!"They all nodded, they walked out

"Are you ok Rae?"Beastboy put his arms around my waist from the back

"Yeah just the dream seemed so real! And I just need some time alone ok...I love you and all but I just I need to proses everything " I took his arms off and looked in this eyes, he looked away and nodded,pouting god Damn his so adorable!

I kissed him, he kissed back and we where like this for about 2 minutes I think but then I felt to my room am so happy it was a dream!

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