Chapter 4

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Raven P.O.V
Someone picked me up in bridal style....

Soon I look up to see Red X  this little bitch!

"CAN YOU LIKE PUT ME DOWN!"I yelled at him as he jumped out a window smashing it

"Sorry sunshine no can do!"He said " We're going to my place with other villains ok?"He asked he really thought I was gonna be ok with It

"No!"I yell but then he stopped at a big mantion,I never knew he was rich!.....RAVEN STOP you have to focus on killing Red X

Come on!"He put me down and put thick hand kofs on me with glowing lights,I try to zap him but instead I got a shock

We go inside he goes inside pushed me inside a room , that was dark, had a bed and a window with bars

"See you soon " He said took of half of his mask and kissed me, then closed the door and went

What just happened?

Starfire P.O.V
After the white air disappeared I look around for Friend Raven but wasn't there

"FRIEND RAVEN IS GONE!!"I yell everyone looks around for her

"Your right Star but how are we supposed to find her with out her hair , if she still had it hee hair would up to here and to Africa because of how long it is but now it's short so what are we gonna do now?"Beastboy said sitting on the floor

"Maybe we could track her down maybe..BEASTBOY you can sniffing her out?"Robin said looking at beastboy but he shouk his head

"Sorry bro I already tried but those tears made her scent disappear " Beastboy spike with his face in his hands

"I hope we will Find Friend RAVEN soon " I said flying to my room

I just the hope they will not do anything bad to her!

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