Chapter 17

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Raven P.O.V
I woke up to the sun in my eyes, a bright sunny day, perfect way to wake up

I attapted to stand up but something pulled me down on the bed, I turn around to see Beastboy

"Don't go.Cuddle with me " He said Trying to get comfortable,By pulling me closer, his arms around my waist while his hands gripped my ass,He pulled up the duvet cover and emediemtly got comfortable. I blushed at the the feeling, I brush it off and put my arms around his neck,And whispered in a soft loving voice

"I love you"

"I love you too Rae " And he fell asleep holding on tighter  how is he having a grip on me in his sleep? I thought to myself looking at the sleeping form next to me, I look at the cloak 9:30 Holly shit I never slept in this much!

I shake Beastboy

"Rae come on no " He opened his forest green eyes

"No, We have to get up " I stood up from the bed looking at him

"Please?"He put his arms out for me to lay in them, I sighed and crawled on top of him,I pecked his lips

"Gar,Come on its late " He looked at me with a grin

"Did you just call me Gar?"He sat up with me on his lap

"So just because I used to call you Gar doesn't mean I will stop " I smiled laying my head in his neck,I stand up and held his hands " stand up " He wined and stud up " Put on your shoes and lest go " He obayed,we walked in the comman room, our whole team a nd all the titans from all sides where here

"So your a betrayer too?"Bumblebee looked at me in an angry way...actually everyone had the same face on an angry face that said I will kill you

"No liste-"I started my sentence But Starfire cut me off

"No you do the listening! You have betrayed us and have not gave us an apology! YOU ARE THE MOST HORRIBLE FRIEND I HAVE EVER HAD!....IT MAKE THE SENCE..WHY WOULDN'T TRIGON'S DAUGHTER BE EVIL JUST LIKE HER FATHER!"Starfire yelled at me, I never thought Star would even think of saying that

"You are the demon swran! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO FEEL LOVE OR HAVE THE FAMILY OR FRIENDS OR TO BE ABOVE THE UNDERWORLD OR HELL!!!!!!"She yelled in complete anger, I felt sadness take over my body, it wasn't the first time I got told this but your best friend saying it just hurts more

"Starfire I already know that...This isn't the first time "She looked cursed me that I am a bitch and a whore,

"There is......a reason behind all of this " I tryed to think of the right words

"Speak!"Robin said in annoyance and anger

"It started off with the dreams that I had in the Korma, I saw some things and have been though things that normal people should'ent have to go through...."I said having the horrible flash blacks flash thought my mind,Cyborg was the only one that expression softened

"Like what?"Cyborg asked, that's when I felt My cheeks get red

"Like sexual abuse,Harrasment, Cheating and getting raped"

"From who?"Speedy asked

"Beastboy " half of them felt sorry half was like am not falling for it

"Anyway,when I woke up I was in utter shock when I found out it was a dream,and I was scared of Beastboy even being in the same room as him made me wanna run I had to get a distraction, a distraction that wasn't around him or me having to be somewhere around him, so I called Red X for any advice and he said that I could try bring a pretend Villain for 4 weeks and then by that time getting used everything again and for it to go all back to normal but there always was a problem and then it lead to this and that's where I have been for 3 whole weeks " They all had shocked expretions especially Starfire who hade tears falling down her cheeks

"I am so or for my words!, I did not mean anything of what I have told you " She hugged me

"I know "i whispered and hugged back

"Am sorry for calling a whole army at you " Robin said rubbing the back of his neck

"It's not your fault you didn't know it was me " but then one more thing popped into my brain

"Where's one more thing we need to figure out " I said trying to remember anything from the wedding outside but nothing

"What?"They all asked

"Who tried to kidnap me " They all gasped

"I can't believe we forgot about that!"Bumblebee said flying in air with her hand on her forehead

"We need to fi-

So sorry but I will end it her............CLIFHANGER!!!

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