Chapter 13

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Updates might be really slow because 2 days ago I lost my best friend, she hade to go to another country because she had a desise and had to go to a special hospital and her fault put her in another school, so it might be slow because I will be crying for days,weeks,mouths even years!

Starfire P.O.V

I am the happy that Friend Raven has awaken! Her and Friend Beastboy have finally been ruined!

"How is she?"Cyborg asked Beastboy

"She said she needed some space because her dreams where crazy confusing and horrible " He said looking at the floor, Cyborg hugged him

"Bro don't worry she's Raven the most strongest girl I know! I think she could go through some dream " He chuckled, Beastboy laughed and nodded, we all walked to the comman room amd did the watching movies but sadly Friend Raven did not join us

Sorry this is all I could think of

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