You Got the Lights On in the Afternoon

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Amaris. Amaris Lee. I'm nothing special. I bet you can see. Look, it rhymes even. Okay, hello. I am Amaris. This is my diary. This isn't one of those girl diaries where all I write about is guys. I'd rather gag myself so deep I somehow choke myself to death. But, that's not the point I am trying to get through here.  

I have brown hair and 'pretty' eyes. I don't know how to classify them. I don't stare at my eyes very often. I think they are blue, green, and grey. Yes, I hate eyes. I hate eye contact. It's the window to your soul. I won't look into yours, maybe if you asked me- I might. I am 5'4, almost 5'5. A total shorty if you ask me. I can barely see what is on top of my locker. 

In my introduction. I won't get to my abuse, the reject, and all the other stuff. It's nonsense to me. It's only good to tell people for attention or if they REALLY want to know why I am messed up. It's all nonsense. There should be feelings through it for me. None at all.  

My favorite color is blue, but it will often change to green. Only, if I feel the need to change it or fall in love with the color again. I love painting. Watercolors. But, not the stuff you used in 2nd grade art class. I like to paint flowers, animals, and people. Like the normal girl artist. I write stories, not a lot of them are good. But one day I hope someone will like one.  

I take a lot of pictures of nature. I also love taking videos with people. I helps me look only at the happy moments, to laugh when I am sad, and when i don't think I'll get through the night. I do like the dark, speaking of night. I also play guitar and I am learning piano- but I'm not very good. At all. I also sing, but it's nothing special.  

I'm not Christian, but I'm not Atheist, nor Pagan, nor a Judaist. I don't have a religion anymore. So, I don't like to think about it. If there was a 'God', he'd be so messed up- why should we worship him? Exactly. Think of it, all the pain people have gone through? Messed up I tell you! 

If I had a song... I would be the title of this book. 'Knee Socks' By The Arctic Monkeys.  So, maybe each time you read this- you should listen to it. It fits this perfectly. I know it does. Because I'm writing this and I'm in control of what written. It's like I am my own god, and there is nothing anyone could do about it except me. See that? It's messed up. 

I have excellent music taste for the indie teenager, I listen to The Swell Season, Citizen, Artic Monkeys, Rizzle Kicks, Halsey, The Decembrists', AFI, and Birdy. Maybe a few of those are mainstream- but you get my point of the music I listen too. 

 I also dress in black a lot. I have short, short, short hair. Guy short. But, it's not my fault during summer my hair started falling out so I decides to cut it so patches of my hair wouldn't be missing. And I had nice hair, I looked like a girl and it got many complements. Another reason to cut, to lessen the attention I got.  

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