And the Nights are Drawn Out Long

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I am starting from yesterday, I am not going back any further. So, yesterday was the end of the school week. A total relief for me. Thursday I was gone, along with most of the people at my private school. So anyway. Friday was stressful. I was absent- so I didn't know the homework was due. Everyone got a lecture from their teacher. But luckily, half way through I fell asleep and told a friend behind me to wake me up later. I only slept for fifteen minutes when she yelled louder and I jumped.  

As much as I love my homeroom teacher, I was done with this lecture, Thank god there was only 3 minutes of class left. I was relieved. She asked what people gathered from out assignment, but thankfully she didn't call on me, because I didn't do it.  

History was a blur. I barley can remember what we did, though we did get or history tests back. I got less that 60%, I got an F. But, Whatever. I could get it back up. The only thing I have a great grades in is the classes I really need to try in. They are my main focus. English and Math. History went fast. I just can only remember she told us to bring snacks and a blanket on Monday.  

Soon after, Math class had just begun. I was sitting with my best friend, Mason. Mason's nice. But, can get on my nerves sometimes. Mason has brown hair and oak eyes. Tan skin, but not the tan you think if you go to Florida or even California. He's lighter, but still not lighter than I am. He smells like fall, and looks like it too. All the way from his messy brown hair and his sweaters.  

He is better at Math than I am. So, during math- he's there to help me. I feel like something came between us from last school year and this one. It's not my other best friend, Kennedy, I don't think... I'm pretty sure it's not. Anyway, math was actually okay. It felt like what ever had come between us. It was nice. The jokes were new and I felt perfect for once.  

Kennedy loves sports, she was dark brown long curly hair. Matching her brown eyes, too. Kennedy is shorter than I am, by far. She is about maybe 5 feet or maybe 5'1 I am unsure. She may even be 4'11 for all I know. She became our friend at the beginning of this year. Last year we had no idea who she was.  

Anyway, after math. (Which was amazing- in my opinion.) We had science, which Mason kept complaining about in Math, so coaxed him to go. He has too anyway. If we skipped, the school would be on our tails. Science went rather quickly. Except, we have these science projects to work on. Kennedy and I put together 3 different projects for his to choose for us to do. He said no to all of them. We have literally done 6 different project ideas in total. All of them were rejected. Frankly, I don't  know what to do anymore.  

Next was Lunch. Finally, no teachers, no nothing. The wall between Max and I was built again. we hadn't talked all science. We had a small conversation and continued to joke around. All was okay. We made our way outside. I wrote a song for him, so I played it for him and he read the lyrics. He said it was pretty good. But, I don't know if he was telling the truth.  

The next class was English. It went okay. I was absent so I didn't have my homework, but she didn't tell me my due date like she did for the other absent people. I think she doesn't like me. Just like my science teacher. I don't know what I ever did to them but I did something. The class was also a blur, I don't remember what we were learning about.  

After, Mason and I walked to the main auditorium together. Kennedy wouldn't be here. I knew that and he knew that. We sat down next to each other in the back. I smiled at him, choosing the seat choice. I had spoken with his for a little, until a teacher moved him to where he belonged. Not by me. By another girl.  

Any other girl and I are different from each other. It's not in the way everyone is different. I mean- everyone is more talented and pretty than I am. I am just me and there is nothing special about me. I am an average alternative kid, with unappealing hair. 

I sat by myself and watched the acts, one by one. My friend Hayley came and sat by me. Hailey is very tan, shorter than I am, and has a bigger chest. But, her fashion choices make me cringe. Hailey is nice and all, but I would be caught dead with her in public. Soon enough, Mason was on stage, before him was Vivian. The one he sat next to moments ago.  

The song was pretty. I got called by my friend from drama to sit next to her. I tried to figure out where his song was from. But, it was all blank. Blank as my face when I sat next to my drama friend. All we have in common is drawing. Anyway, he was still playing. People were talking, but I shouldn't be offended of them talking while he was playing. But I was.  

After he was done I smiled and cheered, not knowing how loud I was until a few people looked at me. He sat down next to me and we started talking. It was nice, the wall had been broken down again. Eventually, I laid on his shoulder as we walked. I hadn't done this in a while. Eventually our conversation began to deepen. Leading to this little sentence, "I used to like you."  

We looked at each other and I gave a little laugh as the word used to wrapped around my mind like a ribbon on a present. A present I hated. I hated that word. I never knew he did. Even though, last year I had went through his things. It's not weird I was just curious. I watched his locked combination and the next day that he was gone I put it in and went through it.  

I wasn't weird. His old best friend was gone too. No doubt they weren't texting back and forth right at that moment. I remember it clearly. I remember the last day of the year.  His locker was cleared out already and I strolled down to the lost and found to find my binder. But instead, I found his. I took it home with me and I went through it. I found poems and notes from class. I kept the poem and kept looking. I found a few of his drawings, and I few of mine too.  

Now anyway, back on track.. I felt awkward the whole school day all the way until I got into my car. Used, used, used, used, used, I used to like you. I sighed and took a deep breathe. I didn't know how to handle this.  


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