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"Emissaries, hold your position. I'm going to check the area along with Devastation," Six told the others over the comm.

"Be careful, Six," Four replied.

"You worry too much. We'll do well," Six replied.

Six positioned himself on one side of the door and waved Zero and Seven over to him, pointing to the side. Zero pressed his back against the wall and Seven followed suit. Six looked at Seven and she nodded to say that she was ready. Zero pressed a button in the air that only he could see. A beep could be heard, along with hissing air as the door slid open.

Seven's back suddenly turned cold and Six shouted out "Move back!"

Zero and Seven jump back, but Six wasn't as lucky, even if he was the one to warn the two. A masked woman stood before the trio, two large guns were drawn and pointing at Six.

"Hey there."

Six chuckled. "Good to see you again, Mags."

"It's been a while, so I'm going to help you out with some free advice," she said.

"What's that?" Six questioned.

"Don't move unless you wanna get fucked up. I'm perfectly okay with that if you do though."

Seven rolled her eyes at The Magician. She was sick of hearing The Magician's voice and Seven just wanted to kill her. The Magician looked at Seven, glancing down her body before focusing back on Six.

"It's a shame Four isn't here to properly greet you," Six mused.

"Yeah, I heard. He's lucky that I wasn't the one to shoot his ass, but—"

"She's lucky she wasn't up against me!" Four angrily shouted over the comm.

The Magician shrugged as if she heard Four's remark. "So much for the mighty assassin. Tempie sends her regards to you, by the way."

Six chuckled to himself, but focused his eyes on her two large guns. Zero usually had gentle eyes that were silent, but caring. Now, his eyes were sharp and deadly, but still silent.

"You've got the upper hand, but you haven't attacked yet. So, what do you want?" Six asked her.

"The same as usual. My trigger finger is itching. You know I wouldn't mind if this turned into a bloodbath, but Pri wouldn't be happy. Since you came all this way, she thought she should greet all of you. She didn't want our honored guests getting lost in our own home. Of course, I'm a nice girl, so I suggested I be the one to come here and pick you up. Question is; are we gonna do this the easy way...or the fun way?"

A deadly and tense silence filled the air. It seemed to suffocate everyone.

"Six, step to the right," Nine whispered over the comm. "Zero, engage The Magician the instant he does. Seven, provide support." Nine's voice was calm and collected.

By the time the orders were given, everyone was already in motion. With no hesitation needed nor wanted, Six smoothly side-stepped The Magician's guns. She instantly reacted, opening fire on him as he ran to the side. Zero ran toward, making her spin towards him with her guns aimed at him.

Seven's augs activated after sensing her rush of adrenaline. The Magician's attention was divided two ways, between Six and Zero. Seven ran directly towards her and The Magician noticed but was too slow. Seven completely ignored her guns, grabbing both of her wrists and twisting them. The Magician grunted, her guns falling to the floor. Zero swiped them up before she had a chance to retrieve them.

The Magician began to struggle against Seven's grip but failed as Seven's grip only got tighter. Zero had both of her own guns aimed at her.

"Status report," Nine commanded over the comm.

"The Magician has been captured," Zero said.

She smiled in response. "Don't you think it's a little early to jump to conclusions?" she asked.

Zero didn't reply, keeping the guns on her.

"You sure you can handle those?" she asked.

"I'm sure I'll manage. Hands up," Zero commanded.

Seven let go of The Magician and shoved her forward. She hissed and slowly put her hands in the air.

"So you're not a completely trained dog then. Nice," she said.

A surge of anger traveled through Seven's body and she felt the urge to grab the guns out of Zero's hands and shoot The Magician. "What does that say about you?" Seven retaliated. "If your master tells you not to do something, you obey as much as any of us."

She laughed. "There's a pretty big difference between a master/pet relationship, and actual comrades."

Seven scowled as Four's voice rang into the comm.

"Six, you're still alive, right?"

"It seems like it," Six answered.

"Wow, am I just invisible to you, Four?" she asked.

"Oh, you're still alive?" he teasingly asked.

Seven opened her mouth to retort, but Three interrupted her.

"We're walking in now."

"Ah—you guys did awesomely," Eight gushed over the comm.

"So cool, so cool!" Five exclaimed.

"Nice work, everyone. Hold your positions," Nine said.

It was too easy. The Magician was too defiant. She would have put up more of a fight—weapons or not.

"Good evening, everyone," a mysterious voice said through the speakers. "This is High Priestess speaking. I just wanted to formally greet you all, and thank you for playing with Mags. She was burning to meet you all. Additionally, I wanted to thank you for your help."

"I told you it was too early to be celebrating, didn't I?" The Magician teased.

"While you visited us in our home, we were able to turn back the tide at yours."

"Seriously?!" Zero exclaimed.

"I've always wanted to say this, actually. Thank you for falling into our trap. Olympia is now under KAIROS' control."

"No," Seven whispered.

Zero | Jeon Jungkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now