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"Phantom Alpha, you have failed the simulation."

The members all sighed, waiting for Seven to take off the helmet. She took it off and threw it onto the floor, angrily ripping off the IVs and drawing blood.

"Hey, Hey, Seven—"

"Don't fucking talk to me, Nine. We're Phantom Alpha for a reason, not Beta, and not Omega. We failed PHASe in the simulation. Who's to say we won't fail in real life if this was going to happen?"

Seven frustratedly ran her fingers through her oily hair. The rest of the members looked away from her, knowing that she was right. They had a feeling of where they went wrong in the simulation, but they weren't too sure of where.

"If you guys are wondering where we went wrong, it's when we listened to Ten," Seven replied, staring at Dr. Park for confirmation.

Dr. Park nodded. "Seven is correct. If you ever did encounter something like this in the future, it's best to not go after KAIROS like that. You should stay here and defend PHASe. If you do ever go after KAIROS, you must take Phantom Beta and Omega with you."

"Told you guys. Look, I'm going to go take a shower because my hair and skin are oily, and I need to cry in the shower because I'm frustrated and that whole simulation was a waste of my time," Seven said as she walked out of the lab. "I'll come back tomorrow for a report, Dr. Park."

Dr. Park nodded and excused her rude behavior. "You seven are free to do the same as Seven—hopefully excluding the crying part."

They nodded, exiting the lab in a single line. Zero ran after Seven, silently walking with her for a while in silence.

"Noona, are you okay?" he asked, cutting through the silence.

"How can you possibly ask that after what we went through in the simulation? We brought death to PHASe and Olympia."

"I know," he whispered. "But we can learn from the mistakes we made in it."

"Zero, you're so innocent and new to this world. I don't know what you're expecti—"

Zero cut his noona's harsh words off by gently cupping her face and pressing his lips to her lips. He quickly let go of her and continued walking, leaving her in the dust.

"What the—Zero, wait!"

Seven ran after him, quickly catching after him. Zero hid his face from her by looking at the white floor. She touched his shoulder to get his attention, but he wouldn't look at her.

"Zero," she whispered, "look at me. Why did you kiss me?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, Noona. I just felt like kissing you. Was I any good?"

Seven shrugged. "I don't know. It was too short of a kiss to tell."

Seven leaned in, going onto her toes to plant a kiss on his lips. She kissed him much longer than he did to her. Zero stood there with his hands by his side, but his lips moved against her lips. Seven went back on her feet, withdrawing her lips from his in the process.

"My name is Jisoo," she whispered.

Zero smiled. He had a real genuine smile that he hadn't had since he was a child. His last pure smile was before he was recruited into PHASe. "My name is Jungkook," he whispered back.

Real names were classified and important. They weren't told to anyone unless someone truly trusted them. It was a sign of care or friendship in PHASe.

"Nice to meet you, Jungkook," Jisoo said, holding out her hand. "Wanna come into my room to talk?"

Jungkook smiled. "I'd love to, Jisoo."


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Zero | Jeon Jungkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now