Chapter 1

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Walking in to my apartment I noticed an envelope that was placed under the door. I bent over to pick it up, being careful not to slip and fall, I'd probably need Life Alert to help me up.

I glanced at the sender's name. Kathy Stewart....Aunt Kathy Stewart. Seeing her name reminded me of why I left to get my own place.

What? You thought I'd just pick up, leave, and sell my old home because 'I felt like it'? No. When my parents died Aunt Kathy came to raise me, but she was a demon, and she still is in my opinion.

She's really two-faced. She'll act like a goddess and a wonderful person in public, but when we got back home she'd always complain to me how I looked so ugly and stupid with my flab jiggling around. Her words not mine. But even all her cruel words weren't the worst of her.

She'd always hit me. Sometimes there'd be a few kicks too.

Yeah, I had bruises all over me. Not only did I have low self esteem so I'd cover my arms and legs, but I also had to cover them so that no one knew what kind of predicament i was in. I guess you could say I was being abused.My life sucked. Then when I I turned twenty, all the inheritance my parents gave me in their will came too me and I moved out and sold the house. It was mine after all. When I moved I went two states over, not even wanting to be near the people who hated me most.

Aunt Kathy was probably on the top of the list of haters. So I did NOT want to read what she wanted with me.

The next thing I did was throw the letter in my garbage bin. I wanted to burn it also, but I have a 'no smoking' policy in my building, so I didn't even carry a lighter with me.

I got up from the couch to go to the kitchen. I didn't have a table in there, but the only reason why is because there's a fridge in there the size of a small elephant. Not kidding.

I didn't need a kitchen table when I had a couch. It could sit and eat whatever it is I wanted. And I had everything I wanted in my fridge. Pudding cups covering the eggs wall shelf, candy taking up two whole flat shelf. A wall shelf and a flat shelf are two completely different things. The wall shelf is something where you would keep all your dressings and things, like ketchup, or even mustard. But not on my shelves. A flat shelf is something you would keep your thanksgiving turkey so that it defrosts, but also doesn't spoil. Mine are completely different. I don't even eat turkey.

Everything in my fridge has at the least one hundred-fifty fat in calories. Nothing in it was nutritious. Even my cupboards had only junk food in them.

As I was in the process of making my way back to the couch, the doorbell rang. Sighing dramatically I walked, more like waddled, to the door to see who it was. I checked through the peep hole to see a large, broad shouldered tall man. He was over weight like I was but not as badly Other than his stomach which hung out a little, he looked pretty normal.

I opened the door slowly, letting it creak as it openedand asked after staring at him for a minute, "Can I help you?"

He smiled sheepishly and nodded. That was all, just a nod.

Again I sighed, more like groaned, and asked, "What can I help you with?"

"You own this building correct?" He asked.

"Yes." was all I said to answer his question. Be vague, just like him.

"Okay well I need to ask you something." He stated.

I rolled my eyes. This is going no where.

"And what is it you want to ask me?" I asked.

He acted all flustered then and asked, "Do you happen to have the key set to room 16B? I just moved in two floors down but I didn't get any keys to the door."

He didn't get any keys? Hmm. "Isn't Sandy in today?" I asked.

"Who?" he asked.

"Sandy, the lady who you checked in with." I replied. I was getting bored and my feet were hurting from standing up too long.

"Uhh. No. I called in to get the apartment. But she's not here. I guess she's on a break or something." He said. His face was all red and he looked embarrassed. Embarrassed about what? I looked at the clock on the TV. Well, he's right about her break. Her break starts at 1pm and ends at 3 pm. It's 1:44 pm right now.

"Well, I have a key that might work for your room. I'll come down with you to help you settle in." In reality I was just going so that I knew he didn't steal the key set. It might just be a key, but it opens every door here, so I had to be careful.

We walked over to the stairs, me leading the way. As I waddled past him to get to the stairs my arm brushed his and I felt a tingly sensation. Don't think I'm a wolf or some crap like that. It was just an odd feeling. like butterflies in my stomach and the hair rising on my arms. Nothing too drastic about it, so don't jump to conclusions.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes and noticed him looking at me strangely. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." Was all he said. Again, being vague.

I sighed and went down the stairs making sure that I didn't slip and create an earthquake. By the time we got down the two flights of stairs I was out of breath, gasping for the little oxygen I could get. Now it was my turn to be embarrassed. He went to the door, me following behind him and asked, "When we get this open, do you need a drink of water or something?"

I nodded, not sure if my voice would come out with the strain on my throat. I needed air more than I needed to talk.

I grabbed the key off my key chain and handed it to him. He opened his door with ease and stepped in.

"Where's all your stuff?" I asked once I got my breath back. There was nothing by the door. he must have left them in his car.

"Umm." he said, "I left them in my car outside, I planned to get them once I had seen the layout of this place."

"Oh." Was all I said.

We looked around the room for a bit. Then, out of the blue, he asked, "What's your name? Mine's Cameron."

"Janet." I said, "Janet Covington."

His eyes went wide and he asked stunned, "THE Janet Covington. Like of THE Covington's?"

Bewildered I asked, "Yea, how'd you know?"

"My dad's Joseph Nelson. Your dad and mine used to be best friends. Well until the, uhh, yea..." He trailed off.

Joesph Nelson and Cameron Nelson.... Hmm... How do I know them? The Name's sounded familiar, but I couldn't place where I knew them from. He said my dad and his were friends, wait, excuse me, best friends, so I guess they hung out a lot? But I don't remember ever being with a Cameron Nelson....

Wait, Oh god please don't tell me it's that Cameron, the one who did that horrible thing to me when we were in my own home? Oh god no! Help me please!

This has turned into one of my worst nightmares. The scariest of them all.

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