Chapter 7

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He looked shocked for a moment, then hollered, "What do you mean? She's your aunt! You should care!" Pity crossed his features, but I still didn't care.

"If she dies, thast's not my problem. She didn't care If I got a bruise or anything when she'd beat me, so why should I care about her death? She'd just try to make me feel sorry for her and spend lots of money to try and fix all her problems. Well guess what Cameron?! I don't give a fucking damn!!" I screamed the last part to him.

I got up and went to the door. tapping my foot and waiting for him to open it. With a sigh and disappointment in his eyes he opened it and allowed me to leave finally. I huffed my good bye and left, not looking back once. Why would he bring me that horrible news and expect me to help that evil wench? Whatever, she's not my problem.


With the guilt of my aunt's soon death, and guilt about the way I acted, the surprise that a new note came to my apartment door sent me over the edge. This note wasn't about my aunt. It wasn't about about Cameron. This note was from a stalker of some sort. The note read,

"We watch you everyday. We know what you're like. We need your time and money. Watch out for us."

It wasn't like a death threat. But it still spooked me out. For the next few minutes after reading it I froze. I must have gone insane or crazy, So I re-read the note. My eyes scanned over it so many times I had memorized it. "We watch you everyday. We know what you're like. We need your time and money. Watch out for us."

Shivers went down my spine as I read it one more time. This while time I've been trying to ignore Cameron and his pestering me with questions about why I won't help my aunt, but now to put more stress on myself I got a mysterious note from a new stalker. God my life sucks.

Shaking with fear, chills racking down my back side, I reopened the door to go to the lobby to ask for the video tape that was recorded in a camera trained on this hallway. Even though I don't own a five-star apartment complex, I still like to ensure my guests that I take pride in them keeping their privacy.

As I made my way down I bumped into a solid wall and almost fell if it wasn't for the strong arms that wrapped themselves around my waist to catch me. "Huh?" I asked looking up to the person holding me.

"Woah there Janet. You'd better watch where you're going." chuckled a very happy Cameron.

I couldn't speak as he release me, making sure I didn't fall over. "What up Janet? You look sort of pale?" Cameron asked with concern written all over his face.

"N-Nothing." I lied. I'm not good at lying so I stuttered when I lied. It usually gave me away. I mean really who wouldn't be able to tell?

Cameron frowned at me but didn't say anything. I tried to make my way back down to the lobby, but Cameron blocked my path.

"M-Move Cameron. I g-got-ta get d-down s-s-stairs."

With a disapproving look Cameron said, "Okay Janet, what the hell's wrong with you. You're not acting like yourself."

And how the hell would you know how I act normally?! I wanted to shout, but instead I just stuttered some more types of the words move which sounded strangled even coming from me.

“For real Janet, what the hell’s wrong?” He said with a stern expression. Who did he think he was!? My dad?!

I was going to stutter out for him to back the hell off me cause it’s none of his business, but as I was putting my angry face on, the note fell out of my hands and onto the floor. Oh God no.

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