Chapter 10

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Janet's P.O.V.

With all that said, we walked in silence all the way to the dumpster not talking, until Cameron thought it was funny when I couldn't reach to put the box in, and started to laugh so loud I thought he'd get the cops called on us. In the end I was laughing too, making the biggest smile ever since my parents died. 

'Cameron just keeps bringing this side of me out.' I thought to myself. 'And hopefully it'll just keep getting better and better.' For the rest of the day we stayed in the apartment watching reruns of some too lame comedies that you have to laugh.

It's been a long day, but it's been a good day. Let's see what lies ahead for me.


 Cameron's P.O.V.

Everything's been going great. She's opening up to me more, spending more time with me, and instead of me starting the conversations, she'll actually make her own. We've become closer through everything and the time we've spent together has helped us along the way. I know more about her than I did when we were little and I spent every summer and vacation with her. 

I thought we would stay like this, spending time together, learning more about each other, and just being together everyday. 

But I was wrong.

After the first two and a half weeks, she got another note.

'We know where you are. Leaving won't matter. We're coming Janet, and wer're coming fast.'

Janet never saw this note, no, I kept it from her. I know it's wrong, but it's to protect her. Instead of picking up and leaving, I decided to help her through this. I was not going to leave her on her own, not now, and not ever again. So I made up a plan only an hour after I saw this note. 

I am going to change Janet.

Not her personality, or her emotions or even how she is. I'm going to change her physical form. No more my cuddly round Janey, she'll become every man's dream, curves and all. But I have to put my plan into action. 

To do this I have to help her lose her weight. And for her to lose weight, that means I also have to give up all of the junk food meals we eat everyday. It's not going to be easy, but I hope it'll work. 

Only hours after I made my plan did I put it into action. The first thing I said to Janey was, "Hey, do you want to go to the gym with me? I'm about to head out, but it'll be boring if i go alone." I put on my best fake smile I could manage, and tried to act normal. 

Her face turned red, then she was bursting out, laughing like a lunatic. "You're kidding, right? I've NEVER been to the gym before. and I don't plan on going now either!" Every word she said was put between giggles of hysterics.

"Yes I'm being for real!" I almost yelled. I was being serious, and she was just laughing it off like it was nothing! I'm doing this for her safety, not mine! Oh but then again she doesn't know about it. Dammit. This is so frustrating! "Just come with me this once and if you don't like it then we wont go anymore." I told her shrugging my shoulders, hoping she'd take the compromise.

Looking down at herself she frowned, then her gaze came back to mine and she said, "Fine, whatever. maybe this way I can start losing weight." 

I sighed in relief that she was going to make a change in herself. 'Maybe this won't be such a bad idea after all.' I thought to myself.

Janet's P.O.V.

I can't believe he just asked me to go to the gym with him. At first I couldn't help but laugh, thinking he was making some lame joke. But when I saw the serious look on his face, I knew he wasn't kidding. in the end I said yes, not only to make him happy, but also to try and encourage myself into doing some exercise, and trust me, I need the exercise.

That afternoon we went to the gym, him in a tank shirt and shorts, me in baggy sweats and t-shirt. For the first thirty minutes there we made an effort, well really I did, to do some stretches and make our bodies loosen up a bit. I really needed that because in the end I felt almost of the tension in my muscles and body go away. It was like some sort of massage to my body. I felt so relaxed, but then the real exercise came in.

We had to run a mile, which about killed me in the first 5 minutes. I was sweating buckets and Cameron had to keep the bottle of water with him so that I could get a drink while we ran. 

Cameron didn't even look like he was using any strength for the whole thing. I was the only one breathing hard, and I was the only one with sweat dripping out of my every pore. By the end of the first hour i was ready to throw up. I could barley even stand on my own two feet. Cameron had to help me back up to his apartment, and he even volunteered to help me get in the shower, the little perv, but I refused as anyone else in their right mind would.

I was sore when I moved, but I was able to take a quick cold shower and get my pajamas on and slid into the guest bed. I was so tired from the workout I had today I didn't even think when Cameron came over to the bed and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before saying sweet dreams. 

My last thoughts before I drifted off to sleep were, 'If I don't lose weight in the next few days, I'll be damned for the rest of my life.' and another thought came across my mind before everything blacked out, 'Why did he kiss my head?'


It's been three weeks since we started the major workouts together. Everyday I complain and tell Cameron that I'm never doing them again, but the next day I feel as though the gym is calling to me. Funny right? Well I've gotten better at the running and stuff, I breath easily now, no more harsh intakes of breath for me. I haven't seen any change in my figure and any part of my body, but I figure if this exercise is making me feel better, then why not keep it up?

Just yesterday Cameron told me I'm looking healthier, but that may only be so because I haven't eaten ANY junk food since he's banned it from my touch. At first I had the biggest cravings for them, not wanting to be separated form my delicious foods, but now it's dulled to just a small wanting. 

I guess you could say I've become a better person through this new experience. My body feels great, and my head has become clearer. I no longer have hatred towards the many things I did before, and now I've come to like many more things. 

Cameron has helped with everythnig, and I think there may be a chance I'll forgive him for everything he's ever done. I've forgiven him for most of it, but the things that just wouldn't leave my head made me hold back, and never be my true self in front of him.

But the most amazing thing since all of this has happened, is that I think I'm in love with Cameron.

I'm not sure since I've never been in love before and no one has ever told me what it feels like, but I get butterflies in my stomach when we're close and when we just have alone time together, which is EVERYDAY, but I've come to really like Cameron.

I seem to have some special feelings toward him, but that may just be because he's been helping me through all of this. And then again, he may not even like me back. So there's no use in worrying over a subject that doesn't exist between us.

Today I get to weigh myself for the first time since I've started exersicing. Before I weighed two-hundred and twenty pounds, I'm tall, from my dad's side, so I only need to loose about eighty to ninty pounds in total.

I stepped onto the scale and took a deep breath. Cameron stood behind me, waiting for me to tell him my wieight. We made a promise a few weeks ago to only check once a month, and now's the day we get to see it.

I glanced down at the scale and gasped, "Cameron I weigh......!"


A/N: Left another cliff hanger!! And I made this chapter longer!! XD

I had to make a few HOUNDRED rough dratfs, I just couldn't seem to get this chapter right! ;(

But here's the final copy!! Hope you like!! :)

Ideas for the next chapter?? PM me! :)





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