Revenge in Cold Eyes

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(Mark's POV)
Five months later...

Jack was still in pain about his father.... I've tried to help him as much as I can, but nothing's working. His once vibrant blue eyes have faded to a light greyish-blue. There was no other way around this. He was lost.
But the thing was, he was no longer upset. His dull eyes were burning with bloodlust. His mother was still running and still hadn't been caught. I know what Jack wants... He wants revenge. The police told us to stay out of it, but to me, it seems like he won't have it that way...
That night, I was woken up by him packing things. I wouldn't follow him exactly, but I would make sure that he was okay. He was wearing all black to blend in with the surroundings. Good choice...
Don't think I'm worse, but I used to stalk my mom's boyfriend, just in case he was doing shit he didn't need to, so I knew all about spying. Seems like Jack did too.
I had my own gun that I could protect us both with. However, Jack didn't need a gun. His rage was enough. And... he had a demon. I did too, but I never let it show unless it was ABSOLUTELY necessary. But his was very dangerous, and so was mine.
Then, Jack left the room. I quickly slipped on some black clothes and followed, holstering my gun before leaving. I followed him up to an abandoned warehouse. I heard voices inside...

"Well," a familiar voice asked. "You finally ready to hunt her down?"
"Yeah," Jack replied. "She's running away from her guilt, but she's about tuh' be met with my pain and sufferin'. I swear tuh' God, she'll pay fer what she's done."
"Good... Why'd you come to me for this, though?"
"Because you can make up a good lie fer Mark tuh' believe. I don't want him tuh' know what I'm doin'."

Jack was gonna lie to me?

"Looks like you're too late," I say, jumping down from my place.
"Mark?!" Jack gasped. "Ya fookin' followed me?!"
"Like I was gonna let you go alone. I can protect you."
"I don't need any fookin' protection."
"Jack, I've spied on someone before. I know what to do."
"Yeah, scare tha' shit out of someone. But Mark, I don't want you caught up in this."
"I don't care. I love you enough to help and possibly go down with you."

Jack just looked at me. Suddenly, I felt a excruciating pain in my head and I fell.

"I'm sorry, Mark," Jack sighed. "I can't have ya follow me and get hurt... I love you to much fer that... Fe?"
"I got him, don't worry."

I felt Felix lift me up and handcuff me to a rail. It was in a cement wall, and my head was pounding...

"Sorry, Mark," Felix apologized. "But Jack has to do this... Alone."

Some time later...

I regained consciousness, with my head still hurting. I looked around, and not a soul was there. Now was my chance. This would be a time I need Dark.

(Dark in bold, Mark in italics)

'Uh, Dark? '
'I need a bit of help here.'
'What the fuck did you do now?'
'I didn't do anything! Felix handcuffed me to a rail, and I don't want my wrist to bleed! I can't have an injury while trying to find Jack!'
'So, you want me to get you free?'
'Pretty much. Please?'
'Ugh... Fine. You're lucky you and I get along.'

He took over for a sec and broke the handcuff like it was nothing.

'Very. Thanks, but one more favor.'
'Let me guess... Find Jack?'
'Please? I have no idea how long it's been and I have no clue where he could be, or if he's hurt.'
'Jeez, fine. Fucking hell, you ask for too much...'
'Do you want Anti to get hurt too?!'
'...Fuck. You got me scared now too, dammit. And I don't get scared!'
'Exactly. Now help me find him, please. Cause Jack will have Anti come out if he needs him.'
'Alright... Only because of my concern for Anti.'
'More like love, huh?'
'Okay! Fine... But you do.'
'Okay, okay. I'm done.'

Dark took over and searched diligently to find Jack. We were now in the thick forest, which was an underground criminal hideout. I then saw Jack in a tree and Dark let me have control again.

'Just don't get killed. Okay?'
'I'll try. I have no idea how many criminals are here.'
'If you need me to fight for you, just ask.'
'I don't need to fight anyone, but I'll get you if I need you.'
'That or I'll come out and protect you if you need it and won't tell me. I know how stubborn you can be.'
'Fine... Can you go now?'
'Okay, smartass. Fine...'

I rolled my eyes as he went silent. I looked at Jack, who was staring at someone intensely. I looked at the spot... It was his mom. I saw his eyes glow green, meaning that Anti was about to come through. I had to stop him. He wasn't ready.
Before he could pounce on her, I jumped behind him and snatched him back into the tree. He gasped until he knew it was me.

"How did you-"
"Shh..." I tell him. "I told you, you're not doing this alone."
"Well, I hope yer ready tuh' run."
"Jack, are you sure you're ready for this?"
"Yes, I'm sure."

Now I feel kinda scared about having called the police.

"And I know ya already called tha' police. Mark, I wasn't gonna kill her, just keep her down long enough so I can see her go tuh' jail. I'm so done with her runnin', and my father will be avenged once this is done..."
"Good," I sighed. "I knew you weren't a killer..."

He smiled at me. At least I knew this wouldn't end in bloodshed.

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