Please Remember That I Will Always Love You

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A/N: This will be the final chapter of Haunted Revenge.

Adam Issac and Annie saw their town burning to the ground as they were searching for Kitty and as they were searching for him, Addy notice a figure laying down on the ground and he ran toward Kitty and sat down on the ground and he gently lifted Tommy head onto his lap and began stroking his cheeks saying " I'm so sorry Kitty that your magical night was ruining and I wish that I can take away your hurt and pain", Kitty was laying on Addy lap and he said " Please remember that I will always love you and can you sing to me one last time baby boy". Addy wipes away some tears from both his and Kitty eyes and he said " Okay I'll sing to you Pretty Kitty", and Addy began singing Aftermath which was a song that he wrote.

(Aftermath is what Addy is singing to Kitty.)

Kitty said softly " Tell Enzo and baby Lelia when she's born that papa will always love them and I'll always watch over them", Addy wipes some more tears away from his eyes saying " I'll tell them every night Pretty Kitty and I'll always love you so very much". Kitty smiles softly and he took his last breath and passed away peacefully in Addy arms. Addy kisses Kitty cheeks and stayed with him until paramedics arrives.

Four month later
Addy POV
It had been over four month since Kitty passed away peacefully in my arms and in those four months I couldn't handle the pain and I missed my Pretty Kitty so very much. My mom Lelia decided that I needed help and so she's sending me a mental hospital to get treatment and to deal with the emotional side of me in a more healthier way. Also we will be moving to a town called Mystic Falls because according to my mom it's time for a new scenery.

Adam had put on his clothes and he went downstairs and smiles softly seeing his mother Lelia feeding Enzo and he said " Bye mom I'm heading out for a bit", and he left the house and he saw Annie and Issac waiting for him.

They went to the floral shop and they all bought Kitty favorite flowers and Addy had kitty bass guitar with him. They had arrive at the cemetery and they walk slowly to Tommy grave holding each other's hands and Addy glared at the message which read Tommy White Burn In Hell and he got down on the ground and began wiping off the messages and he place a single White Rose on the tombstone. Adam said " Hey Pretty Kitty I miss you so very much and I hope that you're finally resting in peace and Enzo is doing great and I'm almost at the end of my pregnancy". Issac and Annie said " We miss you Kitty and Sauli got a life sentences in prison without parole for what he did.

After chatting with Kitty they all stood up and left the cemetery to begin their new lives. Suddenly Tommy grave began to crack open and a loud scream was heard.

This chapter was both sad and happy.

Is Tommy really dead.

I will be writing a sequel called Evil In The Night.

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