
720 32 0

unknown number
+82 *** ****

unknown: hi

jihoon: who's this?

unknown: it's me

jihoon: hi me

jihoon: goodbye me

unknown: omg


unknown: LMAOOO didn't knew you had it in you, peanut!

jihoon: ...

jihoon: you again?!


jihoon: you're the only one who calls me peanut 🙄

unknown: really?

unknown: omfg i feel so special

unknown: 💗💗💗

jihoon: didn't i blocked you already??

unknown: YES

unknown: and i'm still hurt abt that! hmp

unknown: but it's okay

unknown: i have a new number

unknown: nothing will tear us apart ( ˘ω˘ )

unknown: and i promise you that, peanut!!

jihoon: you know

jihoon: promises are meant to be broken

jihoon: it's like the word "promise" is now just something to keep you feeling better or secure about your relationship

unknown: oof

unknown: i'm speechless

jihoon: 🙄

jihoon: what do you even need?



jihoon: good

unknown: hmp

jihoon: ????

unknown: nah im just kidding uwu

unknown: okay so, first of all

unknown: i got your number from my trusted source! (^ν^)

unknown: second of all

unknown: you need to stop crying, im begging you rn

unknown: that's what i wanted to say uwu

jihoon: ...

jihoon: how

unknown: how could you say you love me?

unknown: when you would go and leave me

unknown: how could you make me huuuuuuuurt so baaaaaaaad!

jihoon: that's not even funny

unknown: oh really?

unknown: but who's the one smiling tho oof

unknown: you're cute when you're smiling, peanut (≧∀≦)

unknown: uhmm why are you looking around?

unknown: omg are you looking for me?

unknown: nooo i'm still not ready (〃ω〃)

unknown: hihi maybe next time, peanut

unknown: hey where are you going?

unknown: i was enjoying my vieew. ㅠ ㅠ

unknown: okay leave hmp

unknown: im already used to this 💔

unknown: KIDDING

jihoon: you may be used to being left behind but the hurt in your heart would still feel like it's new

unknown is typing...

unknown is typing...

jihoon: nvm

unknown: maybe you just haven't met the person who'll cherish you so damn hard that they'll be nothing without you in their life yet.

unknown: but that was just my opinion owo

unknown: anyway, you, take care peanut

unknown: don't forget to eat!

unknown: i heard that you only had coffee this breakfast

unknown: i mean i don't want to be a hypocrite but like

unknown: you need to eat

unknown: you're looking thin these past few weeks.

unknown: and i don't want you passing out in random places

unknown: so please for the love of god

unknown: e a t

unknown is typing...

unknown: or i'll eat you owo

unknown: kidding!

unknown: but i mean if you want to, i'd definitely eat you,  peanut. winks

jihoon: stfu

unknown: don't text while walking or else you'll trip!

unknown: i also don't want that

unknown: don't wanna scratch that cute face of yours, peanut!

unknown: keep safe!

unknown: and don't forget to eat okay?!

jihoon: yeah mom

unknown: i would've prefer if you call me something else tho

unknown: maybe like

unknown: daddy? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

jihoon: wtf

jihoon: im blocking you

unknown: noooo im kidding

unknown: don't block me again, peanut ㅠ ㅠ

unknown: i won't survive another blocking ㅠ ㅠ

jihoon: drama queen

unknown: hmp

unknown: anyways i gtg

unknown: i have

unknown: things to do

jihoon: k

unknown: for kisses?

unknown: you're so straightforward, peanut

unknown: y/n blushes (〃ω〃)

jihoon: im this close to smacking you rn

jihoon: virtually

unknown: AKSJJS alright i'll stop

unknown: but in all seriousness

unknown: i really have to go

unknown: bye peanut! see you around

jihoon: bye

unknown: 💘

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