Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

She was always there. I just never noticed her until now.

It was 3:16 on a Tuesday at school.

I was walking out of math class, and I looked to my right and saw some douche bag trip a girl. She fell flat on her face and he laughed.

I'd never seen her before but she was gorgeous, I knew that just from a glance.

"Ash, Ash are you even listening?"

I snapped back to reality. "What? Uh yeah sorry..."

"Anyways. I was saying if you bring the drinks I'll invite the girls alright?" Cal laughed.

"Yeah man sounds good. See ya at 6."

Once Cal walked away I waited until the hallways cleared. It was only me and her but she hadn't noticed me yet. She was sitting on the ground of the cold school hallway.

I walked up to her. "Hey let me give you a hand."

"No I'm fine I uh, I have to get to class."

"Let me at least carry your books, I mean it's really the least I could do."

She wouldn't even look at me. Why was she just sitting on the floor?

"No really please just leave me alone I-I have to go."

"What class are you going to next?" I asked


"Oh, me too! I've never seen you around before though... Well come on let me carry your books."

"I said I'm fine! Just let me be dammit." She said as she stood up.

She still wouldn't look at me, but I backed up anyways.

"Oh um alright... well I guess I'll see you in class."

I walked down the hall towards the classroom. That was strange. I haven't seen her around before but she wouldn't even look at me.

"Irwin, you're late. Again. See me after class." The science teacher Mr. Black said.

I rolled my eyes as I sat down, I came in late one time and ever since he won't let it go.

"Come on Ash, you better have the drinks by tonight, me and Cal are counting on you." 

"I'll be there! Damn."

"Woah there pretty boy... Calm down." He chuckled.

"Oh shut up Luke."


After class ended I decided to go ahead and pick up some beer at the closest convenience store. As I got in my car to leave school I saw the girl from earlier walking out of the front doors of the school. This time i got a chance to actually look at her. She had short blonde hair, and pale skin. She was wearing a black sweater that looked a little too baggy, and black shorts and black boots. As she came closer I noticed she had a band aid on each knee. She looked so fragile and tiny. But she was beautiful all at the same time.

She started to walk towards the road and a black car sped up and slammed on breaks right in front of her.

"Hey clumsy!" One guy yelled as he stuck his head out the window.

"Don't trip on the way home!" Another girl yelled. Then they all laughed.

Suddenly the car sped off and she was left standing alone on the middle of the sidewalk.

I got in my car and drove over to where she was standing.

"Hey, do you need a ride?"

"No I'm fine. I have a ride coming. Thanks though."

She still hasn't looked at me.

"Are you sure? I don't have any plans for a while... I wouldn't mind..." I trailed off.

"No! I said I'm fine really. I'm sorry it's just that I have plans and someone's coming to pick me up, you should just go."

"Umm alright yeah," I awkwardly coughed. "Hey there's this uh-uh party tonight at my friends place, it's nothing fancy but if you wanna go you can, there's gonna be drinks and music and i could give you a ride..."

"No I have plans but thanks. You can go now."

"Oh, right. Okay well um I guess I'll see you around."

Then I drove off.


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