Part Seven Family Reunion

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Ally POV

The black mist like gas surrounded us, and I felt myself begin to fall. I looked down and saw a circle of villains, and that I was about to fall straight into the center of them. Before I hit the ground I shot a ray of light tossing me up into the air, I flipped mid air and landed on my feet.

"Oh looks like the main course had arrived" One of them teased.

"To bad it's only a tiny little one" Another snickered.

"Yeah it's way to bad how easy this will be" I smirked while shooting out a beam of light, aimed at their ankles. They all fell and I double checked that they were knocked out. That was way easier then it should have been.

"Well Mia it looks like we have a strong one here now doesn't it" A voice snickered from behind me. I whorled around and faced two girls with bright blonde hair with a yellow tint to it. They had matching chocolate brown eyes, at first glance you'd think they were twins. They were actually one year apart, but both of them just happened to get genetics from my father.

"We can still deal with her no problem Amy" The other one laughed.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that" I said quivering slightly.

"Wow such confidence for a girl whos shaking in her boots" Mia laughed. I guess that was my breaking point, just hearing her mock me again. It reminded me of how weak I was when I was younger, but I'm not weak anymore.

"Let's just finish this" Amy said whist shooting fire at me. I lowered my head and shot my hand out in front of me taking control of the fire. I twisted my hand and sent the attack back at them.

"What the hell" Mia gasped as she narrowly dodged it. She then did the same thing and I repeated my actions.

"How can you do that" Amy yelled in frustration. I turned my body into sunlight and flashed in front of them. I used this moment and kicked Amy, and then punched Mia. I used my water and froze it and trapped them in place.

"Who the hell are you anyway" Mia screamed at me.

"The names Ally Kenna, but you know me as Tsuki" I said with a smirk. I thrived off of the shocked looks on their faces. "Did you miss me" I teased before running off. As I was running towards the main area the air began to grow cold, to the point ice covered the ground. There was only one person I knew who could do this, and he stood a few meters in front of me surrounded by villains. That were all turned into popsicles.

"Over did it a little didn't you Todoroki" I yelled. His head snapped in my direction, I could tell his guard was up. He just gave me a quick glance before going back to his conversation with the villain in front of him.

"Great, another brat to deal with" One of them muttered under their breath. Now that ticked me off, and I was done playing nice. After the small family reunion I just had, I was not in the best mood.

"I just dealt with the rest of you on the other side of this zone. So shut up before I do the same to you" I snarled marching over to him.

"Kenna lets go we have to go help the others" Todoroki said bluntly as he walked away.

"Your lucky this time" I said while glaring at the frozen man. I then teleported to catch up to my classmate.

"I talked to them they are here for All Might" He spoke plainly.

"I could have told you that" I sassed. He turned to me and raised an eyebrow as a sign for me to explain. "I wasn't really paying attention when Thirteen was talking so I was first to notice the villains, and they screamed something about taking down the symbol of peace" I recited with a smile.

"You are quite observant Kenna aren't you" He inquired. A faint blush was painted on my checks.

"I guess I am" I grinned. Why am I acting like this, I never do. I suddenly got an idea, why were we walking when I can teleport with my quirk. In one swift movement I grabbed Todoroki's shoulder and flashed us a few meters from the fountain, in the middle area.

"Where did you to come from" Bakugo asked angrily. Kirashima just shook his head from beside him.

"We came from the landslide zone" Todoroki replied. Bakugo's face became red due to his answer, to say the minimum he looked pissed.

"I meant how did you just appear" He yelled. Was this guy stupid there was villains only meters away from us.

"Stop screaming will you, you'll alert every enemy of our presence" I scolded. 

"Never mind that, it looks like All Might is in trouble" Kirashima pointed out. Without another word, the four of us sprinted towards the action. Todoroki froze the creature holding All Might, Bakugo landed a hit on the guy made of mist, and I had a ray of sunlight hold the man with a hand of his face while Kirashima went to hit him. His attempt was in vain though because he dodged despite the sunlight holding him. He had some how escaped from it without even a burn or a scratch. This man was no joke.   

(To make things clear Tsuki is her real name and her aunt let her change it to Ally)

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