Chapter 2: The Meet & Greet

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    Every year before the game starts, theirs this sort of… “Meet and greet”. Where you meet all the contestants and you get to know them. It’s basically two hours of complete and total awkwardness… Or so I’ve heard. But this year was the first year where they actually began the game at the Meet and Greet.

     And that was where I was headed off to.

    I didn’t know what to wear, they never told us if it was going to be fancy or not. So, that’s why I had Emma come over and help me. And right now we were in the middle of throwing every single outfit known to Nicole Watson on my bedroom floor.

     “How about this?” Emma asked me, while holding a black and white polka-dotted dress I once wore to my Brother Drew’s eighth grade graduation. I shrugged and took another bite of my PB & J sandwich I made earlier. I was on my bed sitting Indian Style, as always, while Emma seemed to have this situation under control.

     It seemed as though Emma actually found what I was doing exciting. Which was pretty strange because I couldn’t give two fucks about it? I knew what my goal was, and it wasn’t to fall in love. I was already in love. No, Nicole, stop it. I’m not in love with Brent… I’m just… oh screw it; I’m in love with Brent, okay? But in my defense there was a time when the feeling was mutual.

     “Hey, Em?” I asked as she was still throwing my old T-shirts she didn’t find suitable on the floor. I laughed to myself because Emma seemed really serious about this, and here I am eating a PB & J that actually doesn’t even taste that good. But, what the heck?

     “Mhmm,” she responded completely putting all focus on a ratty old Nirvana T-Shirt I stole from Drew’s closet a couple of weeks ago. But it was hot, and the AC was acting up, so stealing my Brothers old T-shirt was perfectly normal, right?

    “Would you mind… you know… joining me?” That caught her attention. Her eyes got wide as she opened her mouth to speak.

      “…W-What?” She asked, unsure. “I…I don’t know about that.”

    “Why not?” I whined, taking another bite of my PB & J. Emma sighed and dropped the Nirvana T-shirt she was once holding. I knew her full attention was on me now. Oh, great.

 “Because… You know why.”                                                                                                 

    “Emma, that was two years ago. He freaking moved to Canada for God’s sakes!” I said and laughed, but Emma never joined me. I knew this was a sensitive topic, and I know I’m being selfish but I need somebody.

     “Nicole, I don’t-“

    “Please,” I whined, I made a pouty face and everything. This always works on Emma, just give it a minute. “Please,” I repeated.

     “Ugh, fine,” she agreed. I threw my hands up in the air and cheered. “Oh, don’t get too excited. I’m not even that sure about-“

     “Oh, shut up, you’re going.” She nodded because she knew she would not win this argument (I’m pretty stubborn). I heard a loud gasp as I filled my mouth with fall out peanut butter that was on my napkin. I licked my finger one more time before looking at Emma. She was holding up a dress my aunt bought for me.

    “Oh my God, this is it! This is the one…”

     “Em, what are you talking about?” I asked as she held up the dress. I remember receiving it as a gift, I think it was… my birthday? No, Christmas. My Aunt Becky gave it to me; it didn’t fit me at the time. I’m sure it might now.

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